Susan BBPM
Full Access Member
Every year I plant multi-sow onion plugs (self sown) and also onion sets. Both always do really well. The multi sows are great as they double up as spring onions all summer as I take the biggest from each bunch. The last onion in the plug grows every bit as big as my onion sets. My spacing for multi sown plugs is the same as for sets.
I always start my sets out early in plug trays. This year we had an abnormally hot spring and I'm guessing that's why all my onion sets (two varieties) have gone to seed? They started developing seed heads in early June!
I keep reading that it's not worth growing onions from seed - I guess that's why I always get sets too. But if I'm consistently getting good result from seed, and if sets come with a risk of going to seed - why does everyone swear by sets?
I always start my sets out early in plug trays. This year we had an abnormally hot spring and I'm guessing that's why all my onion sets (two varieties) have gone to seed? They started developing seed heads in early June!
I keep reading that it's not worth growing onions from seed - I guess that's why I always get sets too. But if I'm consistently getting good result from seed, and if sets come with a risk of going to seed - why does everyone swear by sets?