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I built a 5 row template to plant onions 4" apart, 4" between rows, 7 onions per row. I was only able to buy 2 bundles of onion plants 75 plants per bundle. So I bought sets too but was only able to get 2 bags of sets. This year sets are very large only 60 sets per 1 lb bag, last year 150 sets per 1 lb bag. I planted 150 candy onion plants and 126 candy onion sets = 276 onions. Template made onion spacing so perfect the onion bed has 8' of unused space. It only took 30 minutes to plant onions. Either I plant more onions or plant something different to fill in the space. I can not plant anything tall that will shade onions. I can't plant melons of sweet potatoes either. I also replanted garlic -2°f killed my garlic. Online says garlic is good down to 0°f and another place claims garlic is good down to 5°f. In the past 5°f never killed garlic. Template works good for garlic spacing too. Our weather is crazy 76°f Feb 28. Last week was 81°f and in the 70s last week and 65 all week before that. Murfreesboro TN. USA. Onion plants always grow 3" diameter onions. Set grow 2¼ tp 2½" diameter onions. I fertilize first 6 weeks with 21.0-0 fertilizer then switch to 0-20-20 fertilizer for that next 6 weeks. First 6 weeks the goal is to get 10 leaves = 10 onion rings then next 6 weeks goal is to grow large bulbs. I am not growing anymore 4" sweet onions shelf life is only 1 month. This is not a raised bed, boards act like a levee to hold in water. I want water to soak in, not run out in the walk area into other rows.
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