Visited with my brother and sister yesterday.

Sep 9, 2018
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Hardiness Zone
6A thru 5B
We live over 3 hours from each other, brother (younger) and sister(oldest of my sisters but younger.) so we made arrangements to meet at a resturand and have dinner (country people have dinner mid day.) together and visit.
We choose a time that are not peck bussiness time so they do not mind if we set at a table and visit for a hour or so after we finish eatting.

Our last visit was June 12th 2019 In Midland Michigan about half way for us. All were well except my brother was complaining it hurt to talk very loud. Yes he had diffuculty projecting his voice for all to hear.
My sister is a fairly recent diabetic (I have been since 2001, brother since 2006.) and her knees are bothering her.


Brother Robb is on the left sister Joan in the center, My self on the right.

So we met again yesterday, comment was made Kare (my wife) and were in the best health.
My brother has been diagnosed as having cancer of the esophagus again and bone cancer. he is to start radation on the 28th of Sept. for the bone cancer and esophagus, chemo starts Oct 1st.

Sister has pains in her knees yet but can not have them replaced like mine yet. Her daughters have three children under 5 she baby sits a lot and her oldest is due to give birth to the foruth soon.
This time we met at a buffet style resturant and was not a good choice. My brother had trouble swallowing any thing so did not get his moneys worth.

Our other halfs, My wife is in fair health for her age, should have cataract surgery in the future, My sisters hubby a diabetic has a hard time controlling his Meds just like me. My brothers wife just had surgery a short time ago and is not in real good healt and uses a walker to get around.

My brother and I were close after high school and worked together, vacationed hunting and fishing together till 1981 when they closed the plant where we worked.
I went to college for a bit and then drove semi coast to coast till I got called back to the new plant to work till I retired at 55. Brother wanted to get married so got a job as a small sweat shop foundary till they closed the doors and moved to China.

:D Al
Sep 9, 2018
Reaction score
Hardiness Zone
6A thru 5B
Na,I am now the family heavy weight.

I am guessing my brother will even get skinnier with chemo.

:D Al

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