Yesterday was blade change day.

Sep 9, 2018
Reaction score
Hardiness Zone
6A thru 5B
Yesterday was blade change out day, normally change the blades every 3d mow.

Jacked it up crawled a bit under it was surprized at the amount of grass packed under the deck. I removed about a bushel basket full.

Normally don't have that much stuck under there. but scraped it down never the less.
Not sure what to do with that stuff. I used to have clippings given to me from a friend who commerciled mowed. would dump the bags in my garden and till them in seemed to take all summer to get them to break down.


Peace perfect peace

When you say change blades? Are you saying you remove the blades and put a new set in the old ones place?
Jan 31, 2018
Reaction score
The Tropic of Trafford
Hardiness Zone
Keir Hardy
United Kingdom
Seems like a big job, but necessary if you've a lot of grass to cut.

With my little Flymo, I take the blade off each year and just sharpen it with a file. It makes quite a difference. It's only mild steel so it gets a few nicks from the odd stone or two.
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Peace perfect peace

Yup that is what I do remove the blades and install a new sharp set of 3.
then on some evening or a rainy day I sharpen the 3 I removed.

Hi Al,
Ive got it the answer to all your daughters grass problems and it'll mean no more blade changes for,
Clue Al to my idea,
Whats made of wool and you can eat it ?:unsure:
Sep 9, 2018
Reaction score
Hardiness Zone
6A thru 5B
Hey I have a Flymo My Father In Law gave me. it is one of the hover craft type lawn mowers.

Yes sheep do a nice job mowing lawns and if you have goats will trim the shrubs also.

But neighbours gripe about the smell of the fertlizer they produce.


Peace perfect peace

Hi Al,
Yep your right ref neighbours,
I dont have any near ones thats because i like the space and peace of country life, Infact AI if the truth be known i prefer animals to a lot of people ive come across in this world, I dont have to wave any notes £ or $ infront of my two rescued dogs for them to wag the tails and they"ve never talked about me behind my back,
My idea of neighbours are if you can smell them they are to close,

But "AI" I must say two thing i have come to pass in the last couple of weeks that made me feel good ref the two near neighbours i have and i ca'nt see their homes from my place, And it was this I opened the mail box (thats at the end of the drive & offten i forget to see if ive mail as I dont get much so its not unusual for a week or so to pass and then i think ???? The mail box !!!!!

Anyway i was coming back from the dogs walk and tied to the gate was a note telling to open the mail box, I did and i found a message in english saying you'll need to use these if you go to the food store etc,
It was 4x face mask and a large tube of hand cream.
It all came from a neighbour down the track,

As ive said this week i pulled or ive got a chill in my back and it's been a real pain to do anything (even sit on the Loo)
Im sure anyone who's done this will know what im talking about, it's now day 5 and its just started to ease off a bit,
Sleeps been almost nothing worth calling sleep and ive not done a lot in the garden or work shop,

Then out of the blue the phone rang and by the time i managed to get hold of the hand set it was dead, But ive the leave a message box and so i pressed the button and the voice said ive not seen you out in the garden or seen you out side,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! could you give me a call so i know your ok, All this in french,
I rang back and said thanks, the old lady asked if i had a cold as i sound like my voice was a bit quieter than norm, (I'd filled up but didnt say so, After all big boys dont cry do they?)
But what good neighbours are these;)

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