My Calla Lilies are blooming after 5 years!!!!

Jul 17, 2013
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The title is right, my calla lilies are finally blooming, no idea why... it's been 5 years since the last time they bloomed! The only thing I did differently this year was not getting the flower pot inside the house :) This is the only plant I have left, since I'm waiting to give it away until the very moment I move to Holland! Yup, this plant is my favorite and not planning to give it up so easily!

Sep 20, 2012
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Hardiness Zone
Wow, it's a big and beautiful flower!!:D As you know, I love white flowers. This one is especially beautiful. Calla Lilies are such beautiful plants!
Do you really have to give it away?:cry: Can't you take it with you?:)
Feb 10, 2014
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Wisconsin USA
I planted a calla lily in a pot one year, I grew and was quite pretty. Since winters here are brutal I put the pot in the garage during the winter, with some other plants, and it never grew again :(
Feb 24, 2014
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The plant clearly knows that you plan to junk it to move. It is making one last attempt to get on your good side before you toss it.

some plants like cool temperatures for a period of time before they can be induced to bloom. I have to throw my amaryllis in the fridge for a month if I want it to bloom as my storage space is too warm. It could be that leaving it outside mimicked the perfect conditions for it to bloom this year. It looks great by the way!
Mar 19, 2013
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Northern Alabama
Hardiness Zone
The calla is truly beautiful, and it is one of my very favorites, too ! ! I had one here in Alabama, and it was fine in the summer, but when fall came, then I had to dig it up and bring it inside for the winter. Then , when spring had settled and the weather was warmed up, then I put it back outside again, and usually by then, i was able to divide it into several smaller plants.
i lost it in one of the moves when I forgot to bring it clear in the house for the winter, and it froze and died.
I have seen calla bulbs for sale at the garden shops; so I imagine that you could let it dry up a bit, cut it back to the bulb, and take the bulbs along with you, should you desire.
Aug 16, 2013
Reaction score
Think your calla lily is lovely Trellum and can well imagine how thrilled you are at it finally flowering again after 5 years of not doing so :)

Although Calla Lilies are more often than not grown as an indoor plant - they actually flower best when grown outside - which as you left yours outside is probably the reason why yours was reactivated - as once they've flowered they are best left to bake in the sun during the summer months and then reactivated by the cooler winter temperatures.

I too would agree with happyflowerlady that there is no reason why should have to part with your calla lilies when you move - as you could very easily dry the bulbs and take them with you - especially as it would do no harm at all to the bulbs :)
Jul 17, 2013
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Yeah, it came as such a surprise!!! It has already produced 2 beautiful flowers :love::)(y) It might need to get some rest now tho. It's so strange, this winter was so mild I could leave the calla lily outside! It seems the calla lily plant got even stronger!!!! It's greener and has a lot new leaves now.

Yeah, I thought so as well. But what if the winters are very bad? Let's say a calla Lilly dies (one growing in the soil) in the winter... will a new plant grow during spring or summer? I know nothing about the natural process, because I never let my Lilly outside during winter, since the previous years it was way too cold! So no idea what usually happens, that plant doesn't look too resistant to cold.

How I wish I could take it to Holland!!! As for the bulbs... I'm guessing the best time to get them is after winter? Because I'm really guessing if you leave this plant outdoors it will just die. So, am guessing that's the best time to harvest the bulbs?
Jul 17, 2013
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The calla is truly beautiful, and it is one of my very favorites, too ! ! I had one here in Alabama, and it was fine in the summer, but when fall came, then I had to dig it up and bring it inside for the winter. Then , when spring had settled and the weather was warmed up, then I put it back outside again, and usually by then, i was able to divide it into several smaller plants.
i lost it in one of the moves when I forgot to bring it clear in the house for the winter, and it froze and died.
I have seen calla bulbs for sale at the garden shops; so I imagine that you could let it dry up a bit, cut it back to the bulb, and take the bulbs along with you, should you desire.

Oh... so you also lose the bulbs if the plant freezes? I thought they stayed intact, you know like the tulips! Uhm, it sounds like I will have to do a lot research on this. Actually I'd like to take this plant with me, my dad got it for me. I know I could find calla lilies there, but this one grew up here!!!! For me it would be so meaningful to see it thrive there as well, tell my kids the story of this plant, lol. It might sound silly, but I think it would be so nice! :love::love::love:

Sorry to hear about your calla :( I was actually afraid of leaving mine outside during the winter for that reason, but this winter was more like a chilly autumn!
Jul 17, 2013
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The plant clearly knows that you plan to junk it to move. It is making one last attempt to get on your good side before you toss it.

some plants like cool temperatures for a period of time before they can be induced to bloom. I have to throw my amaryllis in the fridge for a month if I want it to bloom as my storage space is too warm. It could be that leaving it outside mimicked the perfect conditions for it to bloom this year. It looks great by the way!

Thanks you, lostvalley guy :) It has produced 2 flowers so far, two huge ones! That's more I could have ever imagined or asked for to be honest! The first time I saw this baby bloom it only produced 1 tiny flower. Now thanks to the suggestions of some really nice members of this forum... I might actually get the bulbs of this very same plant with me right to Holland! I have no idea how to do it, but I will research. I just don't want to part without it, hence I haven't given it away! I had thought about the bulbs, but I wasn't sure it would work, I guess I'd need a perfect timing?
Jul 17, 2013
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Wow, it's a big and beautiful flower!!:D As you know, I love white flowers. This one is especially beautiful. Calla Lilies are such beautiful plants!
Do you really have to give it away?:cry: Can't you take it with you?:)

Thank you, Claudine :) :oops: I agree with you, this year this plant bloomed like it never did before :eek: It's sooo funny!!!!! All these years taking care of it and giving it the ''nutrients'' I thought it needed but it just remained flowerless and ever green, lol. I was a bit frustrated... I thought I needed to change it to a different pot, never did it... but surprise surprise!!! This hot winter did wonders to her!!!! Tricky plants those calla lilies are!

I might try to take the bulbs with me, Claudine :) I know I could get another calla lily there, but for me it would mean so much to see it thrive there. Plus my dad got that bulb for me... every time I see this plant I will remember not only my home, but also my country. I want to plant it in the garden... a spot I can always easily see... so I never forget where I come from ;)
Feb 10, 2014
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Wisconsin USA
I am sure you will be able to figure out how to prepare the bulb for transport, as clearly this is not just any bulb. I'm pretty sentimental too, and I know it will mean a lot to have THAT call lily with you.
Aug 16, 2013
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Trellum - as your calla lily is producing more flowers - I would very definitely say that it enjoyed its winter outside - as its clearly been reactivated - so you'll be pleased to know that it should carry on producing more and more blooms for some time yet :)

There is no reason why a Calla Lily should die if left outdoors as its actually quite common to grow these plants outdoors and particularly the winter or spring flowering ones like yours - which are generally white and much hardier than the colored or spotted varieties - as they can withstand temperatures well below 0 providing they have a good mulch and I can vouch for that - as I have a clump in the garden that has survived many winters where temperatures have regularly dropped to minus 12 C - but would suggest that if you are worried as to how they would survive outside in your new home - that you try growing them outside in a pot for the first year - to see how they do and so that if the temperatures got extremely low and you were worried about them freezing - you could bring them undercover for protection :)

There really is no reason why you can't take your bulbs to Holland and the best time to dry them is when the foliage has totally died down - which is normally around 6 to 8 weeks after flowering - just remembering that once lifted from the soil they need to be left in the sun for 3 or 4 days to fully dry and are then best stored in something with good air circulation and not plastic.
Sep 20, 2012
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Hardiness Zone
Thank you, Claudine :) :oops: I agree with you, this year this plant bloomed like it never did before :eek: It's sooo funny!!!!! All these years taking care of it and giving it the ''nutrients'' I thought it needed but it just remained flowerless and ever green, lol. I was a bit frustrated... I thought I needed to change it to a different pot, never did it... but surprise surprise!!! This hot winter did wonders to her!!!! Tricky plants those calla lilies are!

I might try to take the bulbs with me, Claudine :) I know I could get another calla lily there, but for me it would mean so much to see it thrive there. Plus my dad got that bulb for me... every time I see this plant I will remember not only my home, but also my country. I want to plant it in the garden... a spot I can always easily see... so I never forget where I come from ;)
This is a wonderful idea:) If I were you, I'd take the bulbs with me too. It will be nice to have something from home:) Personally, I get very attached to plants. All my miniature roses are very dear to me. I'd be unhappy if I had to leave them. They're almost like pets;)
Feb 10, 2014
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Wisconsin USA
Reading through this thread I now know why my calla lily only bloomed the first year, and never grew the second. We brought it inside. I think I'll be getting more, and since our winters are sever I'll put rose cones over them.
Jul 17, 2013
Reaction score
I made the same mistake :) Glad this thread was helpful to you! I actually thought something was wrong with the plant itself and that's why it wouldn't bloom! But it seems calla lilies need to get some cold in order to activate and bloom.

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