How long was it in direct sun? How long has it been in the shade?
What kind of soil is it planted in?
I had one given to me by a neighbor, I didn't really want it, but I took it and read a little up on them and noticed they don't like direct sunlight, so I planted it under my Live Oak tree. And since this is Florida and my natural soil is extremely sandy (I live one mile from the beach); however, I've been heavily mulching my soil (with leaves from other people's yards) for a few years, so it's very high in organic matter, which rubber plants like, from what I've read -- it actually started growing very well, which surprised me, because it had spent so much time in a small pot.
If your soil is very sandy, then that may be the problem, but if it's not, then it might be an issue of over-watering; as I understand it, they don't need much watering, but they do like the soil moist (but not very wet and soggy). There may also be an issue with humidity. If you live in an area where it's kind of windy and there's not much humidity, then that can cause problems for them -- they like some humidity, probably not an issue for you, unless you live directly near the beach.