Tips on Pruning a Rubber Tree

Mar 12, 2017
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United States
Hi All!

My rubber tree is going to be my next project, and I hope you all can help me prune it properly.

I've attached photos of what it looks like now, and what I hope pruning will help it grow into. It's 5 feet at its tallest and I'd like it to be a bit taller and get it to branch out. I've been bringing it outside in the mornings, which it seems to be loving and has already sprouted little buds above a couple of leaves. I definitely wouldn't mind if it was bushier all over, but my goal is to grow it taller and bushier at the top with a trunk.

If I lob off the first few inches or so will it continue to grow taller? Or do I need to wait until its at my desired height before I trim?

How much should I cut off the top? It's a little weak without those stakes and I'm not sure if that will improve with a small trim or if I need to cut off more so it doesn't fall over without them.

Appreciate any tips or advice. Thanks!

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