Hi and welcome.
You'vd a bit of a problem there.
I've had success in the past in training plants that have an uneven distribution of branches.
This is an acer palmatum we bought fifteen years ago. In it's first year I surrounded it with bamboo canes connected in a circle by strong wire and attached more wires to individual branches and the "ring wire" and coaxed the branches into the positions I wanted by moving the wires every few months. There were some branches which couldn't be trained, so I pruned them off.
After a couple of years I was able to remove all the canes and wires.
It's been like this, as it is today, for over a decade.
Same with this one,which got the treatment about ten years before that.
Presently I'm training this acer palmatum Taylor we bought last year.
You've a bigger problem as you need "a suitable case for treatment."
There's no way you can balance those branches. You could hard prune them which might trigger the plant to produce more trainable branches below those. But I doubt it.
But, "it's an ideal shape for the corner of a room."