If that were mine and wanted to go organic, I would use blood meal. It mainly contains nitrogen and iron but also has a tiny amount of everything else.
Since your pH is a shade high the extra iron blood meal contains will help curb your strawberries from getting iron chlorosis until the pH is lowered. I would use sulfur as Meadowlark suggested. The exact amount of sulfur needed can vary from the composition of the soil so an exact amount is hard to calculate. When the pH is lowered, that bottom row of things will change too. Blood meal is highly acidic too but I'm not sure how much it will lower the pH of the soil so I would at least figure in a tiny drop in pH.
Nitrogen was not tested. Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't. Nitrogen is the first thing to leave the soil so it is usually "low" anyways if you haven't added anything to build it up. 2.5 lbs of blood meal in 500 ft2 will raise the nitrogen level 30 lbs/acre, which converts over to about the same amount of N from what they recommended to add.
For strawberries, I think you will have to add that same amount again in mid to late August.
Since your calcium is way up there and you have optimum magnesium, I wouldn't use any bone meal as that will interfere in lowering your pH.