New to Gardening

Feb 11, 2014
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Columbus, GA
I am new to gardening and I won't have a lot of time on m yhands, maybe hour after I get off in the afternoons and then the weekends. Atleast how my schedule looks now. I have no idea really what to do to the yard. I have preexisting beds done by my hubbys grandmother years ago, they need redoing I know that much.

I have one bed in full view of sun constantly. It has a trellis with a rosebush on it. A back bed in right behind house always in shade. I planted coleus there....they're dead now, but thrived at first. Both are bricked in...has a drainage line, but I think needs cleaning out.
One bed is in the back. Its huge, we're going to take out dead bushes and reseed it to grass, but besides that idk what to do....maybe move a rose bush to the front yard.


Oct 12, 2012
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United States
You have a lot to think about, I think I would start with the lot that has full sun exposure, decide if you want flowers or veggies there. Then decide what you want to plant there.

The bed that is shaded has more restrictions and limited plants for the area but can be very pretty. Just know it is going to take awhile and a lot of work to get it looking like you want. Are you trying for something that requires low care? I like rock gardens and wild flower gardens for low care areas.

Have fun, good luck.
Feb 11, 2014
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Columbus, GA
I had coleus in the back the previous year, I am studying them now to replace the ones I did have. I had no idea they were annuals. xD But I plan on studying about them and try them for a few years at least.

The front I'll think about do research. I know I want flower, no veggies anywhere, doubt I even want herbs anywhere. I would prefer low matinence but I am willing to work for it! I just need soemthing that will thrive in the same bed as a large rosebush. Im cutting it way down to regrown BUT this baby has like 6 foot vines like 5 of them wrapped around the trellis, problem is bottom half is dead so pruning like I was told in the rose forum.
Aug 16, 2013
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Sounds like you are going to be extremely busy with all the restructuring that you are you planning to do this year - but am sure that it will be great fun doing it and very rewarding once done :)

One of the first things I would suggest doing - is tidy everywhere up and remove all the plants that you don't want to keep - then have a look at the overall structure with a view as to how you would like the garden to look in the future - and what changes you may like to make and once decided - pick the area that you will either use or see the most as your starting point - but would say that it is always best to start and finish one are before you start another - especially as that way you can sit and enjoy the progress that you have made - while pondering over the next stage.

There is however one thing that you will need to bear in mind and that is - as your garden was previously planned and cared for by someone who enjoyed gardening - some of the beds that look to have no plants in them at the moment - may well have perennials in them - which are currently resting and not visible at this moment in time - so waiting until spring is well under way before planting - would be a good idea - just in case they start to show their heads and you find that you already have plants in the flower beds after all :)

As you are wanting a low maintenance easy care garden - that you can enjoy without it taking too much of your time - there are hundreds and hundreds of plant varieties that would be suitable - which as they are all suited to different growing conditions as well as climates - it would help if you could tell us not only how shade or sun you have in certain areas of your garden - but also what kind of climate you have - and of course what kind of color scheme you have in mind - so that we could help by coming with with some easy care plants for you to consider :)
Feb 11, 2014
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Columbus, GA
Yeah busy as can I be I have so many ideas, but I am trying to work them out and my husband wants to sort of be part of the planing.
Now far as knowing what grows I do know that because we've lived the house on and off with his mother, but its ours for now, we're working on the buying. There are a few (atleast I think) Daffodils throughout the back flower bed in our back bet, I plan to grass it so that'll be interesting. The only others are randomly in the grass under my wisteria tree (which is only about 3 foot it grows about 4 foot each yr before its been cut back only thing ever cut back in the yard each winter) I want to get it to grow taller and hang over so I thought about another trellis for that.

Now last yr on a wimp I planted some bulbs in....I think front flower bed which didn't do nuthen. Today random come home and two little orchids are sticking out of the ground. Lol There is also a clump of elephant ears in the front bed, but they're dead died during winter I assume. I would love to have a whole bunch of them to cover the bottom of the front bed and then have the rose for the flower part. Depends.

I'll take some pictures to show you guys. I am so appreciate of the concern and for helping! ^^I hope I can help someday too.

Now our weather is usually mild winters and hot muggy summers. We have a short fall and short spring of decent weather.

I am in Columbus, GA...Zone 8 i believe i've seen online.Now the front yard has all sun, no trees at all. Now the very top corner has a small bit of shade after midday due to a neighboors tree. Got bare grass there. (this is facing house) the right side gets almost full sun till noon, left side gets almost no sun. No plants there, but the gardiena bush which thrives even now blooms! Lol That side does have an odd tree growing on an arch we're removing. Umm...Back yard has a large oak tree. So half of it gets ALOT of sun during the day, except wher ethe ease of the house is, and my back planter box is under that never any sun. The very back were the old big big flower bed is...we're removing has huge oak tree rarely gets sun, so we're removing putting in grass. has a hosta I wanna keep but no idea what to do with yet....two dead small azelia bushes.....Three weird looken random trees (not oak or pine or regular tree) that I want gone, but husband wants to keep this one with huge leaves I hate it. Lol

So I think that sums it up. I got also some bushes up front random ones I plan to destory and put in box hedges to protect the windows. Also one random flower. Looks like a powder puff of blue balls during summer idk Imm hunt it down .Debating on the keeping. Lol
Aug 16, 2013
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April - didn't realize you had been living in the house for a while - but as you say it is a great help - especially as you know what is likely to be coming up in your garden and where - think its lovely too - that your husband wants to be part of the planning.

I like Wisteria too and used to have a very large Wisteria myself that bloomed profusely and always looked magnificent - but unfortunately although I kept it in check and didn't allow it to get as big as it could have done - because they are extremely heavy plants - even when well supported - it came down one winter during a storm - which as it was on the side of the house brought the majority of the porch with it - which was a rather costly affair to have replaced - so think your idea of adding an extra trellis to support it is a very good idea :)

As there are many bulbs as well as seeds that can take several years before they show - I can imagine that it was a lovely surprise to find that you finally have two little orchid shoots and hopefully its also a sign that spring is finally on its way.
Elephant ears are perennials which means they come back year after year and although at the moment - there may be no sign of them or the leaves look dead - they are not and will soon be back to there former glory once the weather picks up :)

Mild winters and hot muggy summers sounds like fairly tropical climate with a lot of year round humidity - would that be right ?
Meanwhile am really looking forward to seeing the photos of your garden.
Feb 11, 2014
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Columbus, GA
Yeah it really does help.

Oh no! I am very sorry to hear that. :/ That has to suck loose a pretty plant and part of your porch. Yikes.
Yeah I was overjoyed. They're talking 70s here this weekend maybe....haha

Well kind of tropical, but not really. More or less the good old south. I am in Georgia. The west border line centralish.

Thing with them is....They were a huge clump that grew in a pot so when planted had no idea how not ot tear them up and split them. I think they hsould go honestly and start a whole bunch of 'em seperatly, but that is just me.
Thanks! I'll probably take some tomorrow if weather is good.
Aug 16, 2013
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April - Do you know what variety your Elephant Ears are ? I love them - even though some can get pretty huge - so its probably a good idea that you are moving them - so that they can look stunning in a home all of their own :)

Shall hope that the weather stays good for you - so that you manage to get some shots of your garden - which of course I'm looking forward to seeing :D
Feb 11, 2014
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Columbus, GA
I plan in the morning I went shopping. Today was sunny with a cold wind. I am not sure. I shall do some research. These are small with the light and dark green faded colors. I them too, my grandmother had the dark HUGE ones by the house. I am not sure where to even move them really though. I'd have to build a bed somewhere and not sure where yet with yardwork we plan to do.
Feb 11, 2014
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Columbus, GA
Similar to the ones on the far right, butt very small, unless it was the habitat plus babies.
Aug 16, 2013
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April - You have two of my favorites " illustris " and " nancey's revenge " which as you are planning to move them - might help to know - if you don't already - that both or rather most of this variety of Elephant Ears requires plenty of sun - as well as loads of space - especially as they grow pretty large at around 6ft high and 6ft wide :)
Feb 11, 2014
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Columbus, GA
I had a rather bad night at first so I stayed in bed most day, cleaned house and forgot pics. ><; Sorries guys I'll try better.

I do have bad news, they are completely dead,I went out and the roots are not even there now. They came out of the ground so sadly....more rare than anything. That sucks!But thanks fr the info I appropriate it. they had plenty of sun, just prob not enough nutrients where I planted them and since they were so smushed together killed 'em too.I blame the person who grew them first. lol
Aug 16, 2013
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No worries - post the pictures when you are ready :)

Sorry to hear about the demise of your Elephant Ears though - am not too sure either - as to what might have killed them off - especially as they are normally quite difficult to get rid of once established - the only other reason I can think of apart from them needing plenty of nitrogen rich feed - is perhaps not enough moisture - as they need to be kept constantly moist and never allowed to dry out.

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