Third party picture hosting and storage sites.

Sep 9, 2018
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Hardiness Zone
6A thru 5B
Many years ago I started up loading my pictures to Sony's image station. It was easy to upload 40 to 100 pictures in little time and real easy to host them to forums, email to friends and family. I was even linking the whole site to my daughter. About 15 years ago or there abouts they decided to stop storeing pictures.
You could transfer all your pictures to shutter fly if you wished. I got a bunch transfered but didn't have time to transfer maybe 500 picturs and I had not stored a one to a CD or saved on the computer.

Shutter fly is OK but it isn't as easy to share pictures from there to a forum as Image station was.
Shutter fly also changed how the albums are displayed which I find not so easy to find my picures.
So I searched and found Photo bucket which made it easier to share pictures. Also started saving pictures to floppy dish. Guess ya'll know where they went so many floppy dish of pictures and no computer that can work them. You can buy a remote floppy disk reader for your copmputer so all isn't lost.

Went to CD dish and have a lot of disk full of pitures. keep hearing they were even going to do away with CD's and go to minis so was thinking i needed some thing else.
When my grand daughter was born in Minnesota I took bunches of pictures and was worried about loseing them. Daughter said to load them on her computer and go get a Flash drive stick to store them on and clear them off her computer. Did that and have not changed since and that was 18 years ago, she just started College this year.

Still need a easy web hosting place for pictures to make it easy. Yes most forums have ways to uplioad pictures to them like this one.
Some are easy to use and some are a real bugger.

Today I use two sites, Imiger and Post image. Both are easy to up load pictures to Post image is one picture at a time but you can load several at once on imager.

I like the post image site the best for my car show pictures as I can do them for example 2017 St. Johns Mint fest show album and it stays seprate from 2018 St. Johns mint fest show.

Imager to me is harder to keep albums separate.

Not much difference in quality that I can see.


post image.

:D Al
Oct 8, 2017
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Birmingham, AL USA
Hardiness Zone
United States
Google and a variety of providers give a large amount of space on the cloud, Though I would operate a public email for connectivity and keep a private email that would have space that could serve at a backup capacity. Google for example gives 15 gigabytes for free per account. There are others of course, and here is an article that mentions them.


Native Gardener
Jun 13, 2014
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Hardiness Zone
United States
The sites I used to use frequently (ImageShack, Photobucket) both started charging, so I don't use them anymore.

The only place I upload photos now is Flickr.


Sep 17, 2017
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Hardiness Zone
United Kingdom

Good subject to discuss Al; thanks for bringing it up. (y)

I use my computer on a need to know basis other than this I'm certainly no computer geek.

Over the years I've used lots of sites to copy movies and music videos to DVD then the government blocked these sites.

Regarding Photobucket; I used to be a member for years until Photobucket decided to charge an exorbitant fee whereas previously Photobucket was free so I saved them the trouble of deleting all my pictures because I immediately closed my account with them. Here's an update on Photobucket but I'll never use Photobucket again because once trust is lost it's seldom regained;

I never ever trust outside sources to look after my images; I have hard drives including SSD and also memory sticks; I back up my images twice then I'll never lose them. I don't even trust my own storage devices because I've had an hard drive fail but due to my constant backing up no harm was done. My favourite at the moment is my external SSD but I still don't fully trust it. I used to use lots of CD's/DVD's but these are not reliable and over the years many now refuse to open.

Many years ago a friend whilst visiting us introduced me to Gimp 2.8 and downloaded it onto my computer for me kindly giving me a brief demonstration of how to use it; Gimp is totally free and I've used it without any problems at all; I've resized hundreds of pictures using Gimp allowing me to post the pictures onto a number of forums including this forum; the only problem I have with Gimp is that it only resizes one image at a time so ten images to post onto a forum tends to be rather time consuming but having said this I trust Gimp and it's wonderful for image manipulation.

WOW it is some time since I started to use Gimp; the version now is 2.10.6 which I've just downloaded so will play with this later to see what changes/updates have been made?

A while ago I bought a nikon camera and it came with software which at first took a bit of getting used to but I found out it can resize as many images as I like at one operation; its called View NX2

All I need to do is to select images in Documents or Pictures give the image/s a name set the size and let it get on with it; this not only changes the size but also leaves the original RAW images in place.

I've settled on 1040 x 780 pixel size for posting onto forums; it seems to work well on any forum.

All the images I post are from my computer so I have full control over them; I found out the hard way if I used Photobucket for posting images onto forums any image deleted on Photobucket was also deleted from the forums?

As I say I'm no computer expert but all my images are backed up safely at home and I've absolutely no problem in resizing or posting on forums or even sending by email.

I'm just passing a bit of time because my constant companion Blackie the big black cloud is annoying me once again preventing me working outside because Blackie has given everything a good soaking; all I needed was a few dry days in order to complete our front entrance project but Blackie as usual is interfering. :mad:

Kind regards, Colin.
Jan 8, 2015
Reaction score
Very West Midlands, UK
United Kingdom
All my photos are on external drives as well. I only send them to Imgur to make posting easier on sites which do not have image storage available. On here Upload a file is the way I put things on here.
Sep 9, 2018
Reaction score
Hardiness Zone
6A thru 5B
Ok I didn't know flicker changed. Back several decades ago you couldn't 3d host.

Shutter fly is way easier on my Mac that it was on my HP windows machine.



Sept ember fence in all trees you want undamaged. Just planted this one theday before.


Bug sweepers.

By the way thanks for the links.


:D Al

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