A. Lyric
Full Access Member
and you should see that after incorporating green manure from your covers in spring
I've babied my cover crop seeds along, making sure they stay moist, and yesterday noticed teeny sprouts beginning to appear a mere three days after sowing them. Being new at this, it offers a little element of interest, curiosity, and expectation!
I went out this morning, day 4, to check the moisture and saw that some audacious
little critter has dug three holes in one of my beds, wider than they are deep. No clue
what the rude little stinker was!
I'm going to smooth them over and sprinkle a few more seeds in those areas. But is there any
reason I shouldn't cover it with an insect barrier until these teeny seeds get a fair foothold?
I know this critter isn't an “insect”, but it still might provide a deterrent.
I took a pic of one of the holes and was gonna post it, and thought, “Oh, fer pity's sake!
Everybody knows what a dang hole looks like!” I need an eyeroll emoji, but this
will have to do: @@