My aloe plant is looking pretty rough, any advice? (pic included)

Feb 1, 2016
Reaction score
Hardiness Zone
Pulled a few leaves off with very little resistance and the next day the center looked like this. Root rot? Anything I can do? Have I been overwatering it?

Jan 6, 2016
Reaction score
Russia , Moscow
Hardiness Zone
6 b
Russian Federation
Aloe leaves can rot with excessive watering and low temperatures, usually in the fall, when the light day is shortened and cold sets in.

In this case, I do not see much chance of salvation.
You can make an attempt to root the leaf, but there is not much chance.

Find an aloe leaf with a length of at least 8 cm.

Cut the aloe leaf at the base with a sharp clean knife. Try to cut the sheet at some angle to the stem.

Leave the sheet in a warm place for a long time so that a film forms on the place of the cut. It may take from a few days to two weeks. The resulting film protects the plant from infection with soil. Infected leaf of the plant can not survive.

Find the flower pot with the drainage hole from the bottom.

Pour the soil for cacti into the pot and moisten with water. If you do not have ready-made soil for cacti, then you can cook it yourself, mixing 1 part of sand with 1 part of the usual land for indoor plants.

It will be nice to first fill the bottom of the pot with gravel. This will improve the drainage of water.

The soil pH level for aloe must be between 6.0 and 8.0. If it is not enough, add some lime to the ground.

Paste the sheet with a cut piece into the soil. Under the ground should be about 1/3 part of the sheet.

Think about how to pre-dip the cut sheet into a root stimulant. If you do not have a special preparation, you can use ground cinnamon or honey instead. Both of them kill any bacteria.

Place the pot with the plant in a warm sunny place and water the leaf with care. In the first four weeks, care should be taken to ensure that the soil is moist. Once the leaf has successfully taken root, start to water it only after drying the soil.

Good luck with that! :)
Feb 1, 2016
Reaction score
Hardiness Zone
Aloe leaves can rot with excessive watering and low temperatures, usually in the fall, when the light day is shortened and cold sets in.

In this case, I do not see much chance of salvation.
You can make an attempt to root the leaf, but there is not much chance.

Find an aloe leaf with a length of at least 8 cm.

Cut the aloe leaf at the base with a sharp clean knife. Try to cut the sheet at some angle to the stem.

Leave the sheet in a warm place for a long time so that a film forms on the place of the cut. It may take from a few days to two weeks. The resulting film protects the plant from infection with soil. Infected leaf of the plant can not survive.

Find the flower pot with the drainage hole from the bottom.

Pour the soil for cacti into the pot and moisten with water. If you do not have ready-made soil for cacti, then you can cook it yourself, mixing 1 part of sand with 1 part of the usual land for indoor plants.

It will be nice to first fill the bottom of the pot with gravel. This will improve the drainage of water.

The soil pH level for aloe must be between 6.0 and 8.0. If it is not enough, add some lime to the ground.

Paste the sheet with a cut piece into the soil. Under the ground should be about 1/3 part of the sheet.

Think about how to pre-dip the cut sheet into a root stimulant. If you do not have a special preparation, you can use ground cinnamon or honey instead. Both of them kill any bacteria.

Place the pot with the plant in a warm sunny place and water the leaf with care. In the first four weeks, care should be taken to ensure that the soil is moist. Once the leaf has successfully taken root, start to water it only after drying the soil.

Good luck with that! :)

That's very unfortunate, my aloe was the one plant I haven't manage to kill yet. So it was probably overwatered huh? Proper way to water these is to saturate it completely, once a month and pour out the excess water correct?
Jan 6, 2016
Reaction score
Russia , Moscow
Hardiness Zone
6 b
Russian Federation
Proper way to water these is to saturate it completely, once a month and pour out the excess water correct?

Yes. You can put the pot in water or pour water on top.

Aloe has an active vegetation in the spring and summer. In nature, several plentiful spring rains allow the plant to make reserves in case of drought. At this time, aloe requires abundant, but rare irrigation.

The earth in the pot must completely dry out from one irrigation to another. Good watering in summer - 1 time in 7-10 days.
Autumn - 1 time in 3 weeks. Winter - once a month.

Aloe has a period of rest from mid-November to late February.

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