i've never done it, but i have wondered about adding plants on property that isn't mine.
the cheap fruit trees mentioned in a few otther threads. i sometimes wonder if i got a couple when they got down to the couple dollar range, if i could plant them along the local riverwalk. there are already a few wild mulberry trees and some blackberries (cut back pretty far since they're thorny) that it's nice to pick a few from along the way. be even better if there were more and various other things along the way.
in fact seeing this topic made me send an email to the mayors feedback site to ask.
shhhh.... i did it.
so far they haven't been cut down. they've been messed with a little, but all are growing.
i caught lowes sale and got 11 trees for about $5 each, plus one i got somewhere else. i figured i'd try to plant them in out of the way spots early in the morning, thinking if no one sees me do it, the people who cut the grass will just assume whoever plants the trees (if they're not the same people) planted them and leaves them alone. i also figured if other people didn't see me, they'd leave them alone thinking they would be vandalising city property, plus if other people got the idea and too many got planted (or someone got too bold and stuck one in the middle of the great lawn or something), the city would take more notice and cut them all down. the last set i even planted in the rain so there was even less chance of people being out on the path to see me.
so i planted four apple trees july 4th weekend, 4 plums about a week or two later, then 4 pears around august (prettymuch what lowes had) at various points along the riverwalk. the nearest point of the walk is maybe 10 or so miles from my home, so i depend on rain and try to get back and water them if there's a long period bettween showers. i think if they make it to winter they'll thrive.
i don't know if anyones even seen the apple trees. they were in the best spot as far as hiding them right by the path. the plums were pretty well hidden too, but they eventually cut the grass near them and cut around them (i was so happy about that). the pears are kind of out in the open and have been messed with some. i think one may be too damaged to keep growing, but i'll have to see. otherwise the grass cutters cut around them too so that part is good.
i'm looking at 3 more spots (one for a willow though. i just like the idea of a big willow in this particular spot) for cherries and peaches. the other fruits lowes gets in every year. they're even more exposed though so i'll need to be feeling bold and try to find the best day to try and do them as inconspicously as possible. and i've alread brought one peach tree (one of those super sweets. went ahead and paid full price 'cause i really wanted one) and really trying to pay attention so i don't miss the clearance when it happens.
so maybe in 5 or years, if they all get a chance to grow, you can ride along the path and stop to pick a fruit along the way.