I did a search and didn't find much. Currently we have a small raised bed that is about 2' tall with another 2' of chicken wire above that and for the most part we can keep the rabbits and gophers out. But we have a large property and I want to farm it. Our first 2 years our garden was beautiful and large then the gophers and bunnies found it. Since then we have always had troubles, the dogs scare out the bunnies and dig up the gophers but there are way too many. My little garden space is just too small.
How do people with large gardens or even farm companies keep the pests out, I know that they have to deal with the same pests that I do.
I want to get a motion activated sprinkler to deal with the rabbits, just not sure it would work. I also would like to get a sonic thing for the gophers but again not sure if it would work and we have a hamster in the house so I am not sure of the reach of it (how far is 7500 sq feet?). (I know that it says that it only works under ground but if an in home sonic repellent can work with mice how different is the underground one)
How do people with large gardens or even farm companies keep the pests out, I know that they have to deal with the same pests that I do.
I want to get a motion activated sprinkler to deal with the rabbits, just not sure it would work. I also would like to get a sonic thing for the gophers but again not sure if it would work and we have a hamster in the house so I am not sure of the reach of it (how far is 7500 sq feet?). (I know that it says that it only works under ground but if an in home sonic repellent can work with mice how different is the underground one)