Another Vacuum Cleaner.

Jan 31, 2018
Reaction score
The Tropic of Trafford
Hardiness Zone
Keir Hardy
United Kingdom
Due to her disability with her MS. My wife has good and bad days.

So we've several vacuum cleaner, between mains and lighter battery ones for when life's more difficult for her. But she likes to do what she can, it keeps her going.
She was finding picking up small bits dropped on the kitchen floor meant she had to go to the cupboard under the stairs and drag out a cleaner. So she'd seen this Shark on a shopping channel and asked me to order it for her. It arrived today, You can use it as it is or detach it from just above the base and plug in a couple of different tools. It'as very light. It sits on a tray and plugs into the charger. We don't use this door, so here it's handy for her and it's not in the way.
Nothing is ever easy. This socket was a fused switch for one of the PIR lights on the side of the house. But I remembered the cable that supplies it, I buried in the wall, when I rewired the sockets when we had the new kitchen and it plugs into the socket in the cooker box in the cupboard above the oven. So it was no problem to swop it for a switched socket, which I nipped out and bought this afternoon.


It's a "big brother" for this other small Shark. This is really handy for "crumbing down" the kitchen worktops. Particularly as we have some glass cutting boards with tiny feet and crumbs can get under them and this sucks them out.


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