I’ve been battling with soil mites for a while now and would like to know if anyone has had success with eradicating them! I’d like to start by stating I know they’re considered beneficial bugs; however, I’m not interested in having mites that can carry parasites in my home. Also I just can’t stand the sight of them crawling on the soil, stem, and outside of the pot anymore.
I have tried the following sprays, but to no avail:
Neem oil/peppermint castile soap/water
70% Isopropyl alcohol/peppermint castile soap/water
The same mix above with tea tree soap added on
1:1 3% hydrogen peroxide/water (I’ve also tried soaking the soil with this)
Captain Jack’s dead bug brew
Bonide liquid insecticidal soap
These bugs really have me stumped and I would love to know if anyone has solutions that really work!
I have tried the following sprays, but to no avail:
Neem oil/peppermint castile soap/water
70% Isopropyl alcohol/peppermint castile soap/water
The same mix above with tea tree soap added on
1:1 3% hydrogen peroxide/water (I’ve also tried soaking the soil with this)
Captain Jack’s dead bug brew
Bonide liquid insecticidal soap
These bugs really have me stumped and I would love to know if anyone has solutions that really work!