Weed killer

Dec 6, 2017
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United States
I'm within the method of creating by removal my whole garden up grass and every one... My garden is choked with weeds, I simply wish some recommendations on what weed killer that is field friendly would be smart to use... I am operating on a budget thus ideally nothing that is progressing to break the bank... Thanks in advance! Oh and therefore the reason I would like field friendly is I do not want to reseed the garden and have rubbish grass grow through, perhaps I am wrong in thinking that?
Feb 2, 2014
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La Porte Texas
Hardiness Zone
United States
The only way to remove weeds without harming grass is to use a broadleaf weed killer that is harmless to that particular type of grass. For instance it will say on the instructions if it is safe to use on bermuda and/or st. augustine grasses. Since I don't know where your located I can't give a recommendation other than that your lawnmower is the best weed preventer there is. If you keep the weeds mowed and don't let them go to seed you will not have any weeds, period. Other than the weed seeds that get blown in by the wind that is.
Feb 2, 2014
Reaction score
La Porte Texas
Hardiness Zone
United States
That might also depend on Wordplay's location. In Ohio, we have Creeping Charlie. :(
It would help if we knew what weed the OP is dealing with and where he lives. Creeping Charlie is a whole different ball game from most other common weeds. Luckily where I live it isn't much of a problem although it does show up here. Our strong sunlight seems to keep it down. The following link might be of interest.


Quite Contrary
May 17, 2016
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Southwestern Ohio
Hardiness Zone
United States
Wordplay, are you wanting to get rid of the weeds in the garden, or the yard? It's one thing if you are going to be digging the area up to amend the soil and plant flowers or vegetables. It's a whole 'nother ball game if you are trying to treat weeds in the grass. :confused:

@Chuck, thank you! :)

You helped prove my suspicion. It can be controlled by dedicated pulling!! (y)

It's not really feasible to smother it with tarps or newspapers - except maybe that one part of the yard that is nothing but Charlie. :cautious:

I'm not going to use an herbicide, because that would kill my clover and violets.:(

I've more or less made my peace with the Charlie in the yard. I've managed to keep it at a minimum in the flower beds and my front walk.. by hand-pulling. It's tedious, but it seems to work. You have to gently lift, pull, and try to trace the vine. If it breaks, then dig a bit around it, and get it all, or it comes back. :mad:

For natural control (in either lawn or garden), good old-fashioned weeding (hand-pulling) is your best choice.
The problem with hand-pulling, though, is that you have to be determined to stick with it. It's not a magic bullet: The weed most likely will return after the first hand-pulling, because the tiniest piece of rhizome left behind will eventually shoot up as a new plant. Keep an eye on the area so that you can catch any new shoot that comes up as soon as possible and remove it. It's hard work, but you will eventually wear the weed down.

Yay!!! :D
Feb 2, 2014
Reaction score
La Porte Texas
Hardiness Zone
United States
Wordplay, are you wanting to get rid of the weeds in the garden, or the yard? It's one thing if you are going to be digging the area up to amend the soil and plant flowers or vegetables. It's a whole 'nother ball game if you are trying to treat weeds in the grass. :confused:

@Chuck, thank you! :)

You helped prove my suspicion. It can be controlled by dedicated pulling!! (y)

It's not really feasible to smother it with tarps or newspapers - except maybe that one part of the yard that is nothing but Charlie. :cautious:

I'm not going to use an herbicide, because that would kill my clover and violets.:(

I've more or less made my peace with the Charlie in the yard. I've managed to keep it at a minimum in the flower beds and my front walk.. by hand-pulling. It's tedious, but it seems to work. You have to gently lift, pull, and try to trace the vine. If it breaks, then dig a bit around it, and get it all, or it comes back. :mad:

Yay!!! :D
Have you ever heard of a Grand Pa's Weeder? Research it

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