WasYou have an insect problem but that is not why it isn't producing. If the tree was grown from seed it takes at least 6 years, probably more, to produce. If the tree is not self fertile and there is not another plum tree nearby it won't produce. If the chilling hours of the tree are not correct your tree will not produce even if it is self fertile.
Does the tree ever bloom?
If it blooms what happens?
I will guess that your tree blooms first? If so then you have a tree with low chilling hours. It reaches the number of hours required and blooms but there are no other trees close by that are blooming so the blooms are not pollinated and fall off. Or, your tree is a high chilling hour tree and the neighbors tree blooms first and sets fruit because it is a self fertile tree or there is another tree close by that is blooming at the same time. I think the problem is that your tree is not a self pollinating tree and that its chilling hours are either too high or too low to match up with your neighbors tree. To fix the problem you will need another tree that blooms at about the same time as the tree you now have.Thanks. Was planted as a small tree not from seed. Blossoms every year then nothing. Plum tree in neighbours garden that produces an abundance of fruit most years
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