Major wheeler honeysuckle sick

Mar 21, 2021
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United States
Hi again everyone! Always appreciate the help and advice I find here ❤️ Todays problem is my honeysuckle. It has something but I’m not sure what or how to treat it safely for both the plant and the hummingbirds that love it. Thank you for any help!!


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Mar 22, 2017
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United Kingdom
Hiya Sarah, not sure you will like my post today :bag: Your honeysuckle looks quite sick, and I think I can see more than one problem there.
For a start, it would be better planted in the soil rather than a pot. It would also like to be in the shade rather than full sunshine. It also looks as if it needs feeding, and I think I can see some powdery mildew which is the result of being too dry and too hot usually.
As well as all that, there are signs of various insect problems as well.
If it were my plant, I would find the right position outside in the garden where it will get at least some shade, and I would cut it back when planted and give it a feed (well rotted manure) as well as a good drink of water. Watch out for insect activity and deal with those appropriately.
Mar 21, 2021
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United States
Hiya Sarah, not sure you will like my post today :bag: Your honeysuckle looks quite sick, and I think I can see more than one problem there.
For a start, it would be better planted in the soil rather than a pot. It would also like to be in the shade rather than full sunshine. It also looks as if it needs feeding, and I think I can see some powdery mildew which is the result of being too dry and too hot usually.
As well as all that, there are signs of various insect problems as well.
If it were my plant, I would find the right position outside in the garden where it will get at least some shade, and I would cut it back when planted and give it a feed (well rotted manure) as well as a good drink of water. Watch out for insect activity and deal with those appropriately.
Hi! Thank you so much for the response My love for gardening is relatively new and I know I have a lot to learn yet, so I appreciate the honest hard advice. I think you are on to something with putting it in the ground, I can never seem to give it enough water and it has gotten fertilized with a slow release granular but I haven’t used manure before. As for location, I was hoping it would be happy there as it’s actually a covered balcony so it gets 3-ish hours of morning sun and then shade the rest of the day. I love sitting out there and watching the hummers go after it so it was my own selfish reasons to want to keep it up there I think I’ll be following your advice and see if I can bring her back to a healthy place!

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