In the current economic/political climate a lot of people are turning their attention to using their garden to provide for their family rather than just for enjoyment.
When you start going down this route you quickly realize that you can't count on buying in compost, fertilizer, seeds etc - you need to use sustainable methods and most of us (I think?) find our way towards permaculture and no-dig methods.
There are a whole host of topics that spring off of this, from seed saving, preserving your harvest, making compost, making fertilizer etc, etc.
If others are taking their gardening down this route it might be nice to have a little section for these topics?
When you start going down this route you quickly realize that you can't count on buying in compost, fertilizer, seeds etc - you need to use sustainable methods and most of us (I think?) find our way towards permaculture and no-dig methods.
There are a whole host of topics that spring off of this, from seed saving, preserving your harvest, making compost, making fertilizer etc, etc.
If others are taking their gardening down this route it might be nice to have a little section for these topics?