Hello fellow indoor houseplant lovers.
ok here is my story. Fred is my beloved fiddle leaf fig gifted to me by my mother. He has lived with me for nearly 2 years and always been healthy. He has just grown 2 new leaves that were both riddled with edema which I have read can be due to underwatering or overwatering during a growth spurt.
but this is not our main problem
Fred has started to get a little yellowing in his older leaves. The pictures don’t really do the yellowing justice but I have attached some of the new healthier leaves for a comparison.
worth noting - have just moved house and he is in a new spot however it still gets plenty of filtered natural light (more than the last spot actually). Water 1/2 times a fortnight with the top 2/3 cm of the soil is dried out, fertilise with slow release fertiliser once every 4-6 months, has been repotted once around 6 months ago after getting to big for original pot. Soil seems to drain fine. no idea how to help. I have ordered a soil monitor to see if the soil is too acidic but that’s all I can think of.
or perhaps he is healthy and this is a normal change... no
Any help welcomed!
first image - Fred in all his glory
Second image - little Fred with edema leaf
Third image - healthy newish leaf
Last 3 images - the yellowing slightly older leaves (but are not the oldest on the plant)
ok here is my story. Fred is my beloved fiddle leaf fig gifted to me by my mother. He has lived with me for nearly 2 years and always been healthy. He has just grown 2 new leaves that were both riddled with edema which I have read can be due to underwatering or overwatering during a growth spurt.
but this is not our main problem
worth noting - have just moved house and he is in a new spot however it still gets plenty of filtered natural light (more than the last spot actually). Water 1/2 times a fortnight with the top 2/3 cm of the soil is dried out, fertilise with slow release fertiliser once every 4-6 months, has been repotted once around 6 months ago after getting to big for original pot. Soil seems to drain fine. no idea how to help. I have ordered a soil monitor to see if the soil is too acidic but that’s all I can think of.
or perhaps he is healthy and this is a normal change... no
Any help welcomed!
first image - Fred in all his glory
Second image - little Fred with edema leaf
Third image - healthy newish leaf
Last 3 images - the yellowing slightly older leaves (but are not the oldest on the plant)