Myself, I'd go with Pussy willow. We had one outside my bedroom window when I was a kid, so I admit to being biased! But it was fun, first you get the pretty silver-white catkins which can be brought in to put in a vase. (And rub on your face, because they are soft and fuzzy.
) Then, you get pretty little yellow flowers to put in the vase. They'll root in water; I remember seeing that happen, too. Cool!!
We pruned ours once a year.
They are considered a bit invasive. (Don't plant near water lines, sewer lines or septic tank fields!) I read an article that said that the person had pruned theirs, and left the pruned bits on the ground (got busy doing something else, I can relate!!) But they came back 3-4 days later, and the clippings already were trying to root. So, you probably only have to buy one, then prune and plant!!