I have what everyone around here calls crabgrass but I'm pretty sure is Bermuda grass (it has those long runners). It started around the fenceline outside of my garden but grew inside. When I put in the raised planter beds I layed cardboard down to try and keep weeds from growing up but it didn't stop the grass. I don't get any other weeds in my bed except this stuff. I'm trying to get ready for planting season (zone 9a so I'll be planting in 2 mos) and was hoping to get rid of most of this stuff before then. My question is what kills bermuda without making it so that I can't grow stuff for months afterwards? I can't move my raised beds at this point so it isn't an option to get at the grass from below. It also is raining here about 3 out of 7 days a week right now so I need something that won't wash off when it rains. If killing it directly in the beds is not an option so close to planting season then if there is something someone can recommend that I can use around the beds that wont leach into the soil under the beds (stuff I can spray that will stay put), that will at least help minimize what's coming up IN the beds. Thank you in advance for any advice.