It probably is very dried out, this must be the driest April I have ever known. I doubt that when filling in a grave anyone carefully puts the top soil to one side and replaces it last, it might well repay you to get a bag of top soil somewhere like Wickes and mix into the top inch or two. Another thing that might be worth it would be to rake it over and water it to germinate the weed seeds and get rid of them before you grass it. Now, or soon, is not a bad time to sow, most seeds germinate well in Spring. Sow on the surface, birds do like grass seed, worth protecting them. Let it grow at least four inches before you mow the first time, and then do it with the mower set high.
A good seedsman will put instructions on the seed packet, and they are worth following, he wants you to get good results and come back, your main problem will be getting a small enough pack, most people are aiming at seeding a lawn.
Granite Memorial Stones Pittsburgh
My condolences.