Moving perennials

Jul 8, 2016
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United States
Hello, due to damage to our home during a tornado I have to move my perennial flower beds from their happy home to repair a wall in our house. Being July and also being on the west side of the house it has very hot afternoon sun. I am going to have to dig everything up, move the raised beds and replant. Does anyone have any good advice to save my plants that I have cared for for some many years? Should I trim them down before digging, they are large and probably need divided.
Last edited:
Sep 10, 2014
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central Texas
United States
So sorry you had damage to your home:cry: .
About moving/storing your perennials--can you make a temporary bed in the shade (called a "heel-in bed") where you can put your plants? A heel-in bed takes care of the plants temporarily by covering the roots/rhizomes/bulbs with loose soil, and with some watering, keeps them alive until you can put them into their permanent spot. Do cut back the foliage, and divide those who need it.
If you can't provide natural shade under a tree or next to your house, make a tent of shade cloth over the bed.
I understand the emotional attachment gardeners like you have to plants they have cared for over the years. You can save your plants and enjoy them for more years!
Jul 8, 2016
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United States
Thank you In the last couple day I have acquired some black nursery pots that I am planning on placing plants in. Thank you for telling me to cut the foliage down I just wasn't sure. I am hoping to get them out of the bed and the brick moved and everything back in by Monday. But we will see
So sorry you had damage to your home:cry: .
About moving/storing your perennials--can you make a temporary bed in the shade (called a "heel-in bed") where you can put your plants? A heel-in bed takes care of the plants temporarily by covering the roots/rhizomes/bulbs with loose soil, and with some watering, keeps them alive until you can put them into their permanent spot. Do cut back the foliage, and divide those who need it.
If you can't provide natural shade under a tree or next to your house, make a tent of shade cloth over the bed.
I understand the emotional attachment gardeners like you have to plants they have cared for over the years. You can save your plants and enjoy them for more years!
So sorry you had damage to your home:cry: .
About moving/storing your perennials--can you make a temporary bed in the shade (called a "heel-in bed") where you can put your plants? A heel-in bed takes care of the plants temporarily by covering the roots/rhizomes/bulbs with loose soil, and with some watering, keeps them alive until you can put them into their permanent spot. Do cut back the foliage, and divide those who need it.
If you can't provide natural shade under a tree or next to your house, make a tent of shade cloth over the bed.
I understand the emotional attachment gardeners like you have to plants they have cared for over the years. You can save your plants and enjoy them for more years!
Feb 13, 2016
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Before digging the plants up, make sure you water them to make the ground soggy. Then prepare another bed with similar wet conditions. It should not be too hard to dig them up by drawing a circle around the plant and then digging a trench around the roots. Then separate the plant from the ground by undercutting it with a machete or a sharp object. Transplanting should be done in the evening or under rainy conditions.
Apr 7, 2016
Reaction score
United States
Before doing any digging at your location, set up a temporary nursery area of the new home. That way, when it is actually time to move the plants they will be unearthed for the shortest possible length of time. And your temporary nursery area should be shaded, airy, and as cool as possible. We can make tent or shed over the bed..

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