How should I do it??

Jul 17, 2013
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Hi all! I have mentioned I will be moving to Europe soon, probably next year. I've also explained I've a calla lily that is thriving right now. I've also explained that plant is so important for me because it was my dad who gave it to me, so for me it would be really nice to be able to take it with me to my new home in Europe.

I was suggested by several members of this forum to simply save the bulbs, but several questions popped in my head: When is the best moment to take those bulbs? How?? (By how I mean... should I pull the plant out and separate it from the bulbs?!) For how long can those bulbs be stored?? When is the best time to plant those bulbs?? How should I pack those bulbs so they survive the one day long trip by plane??? Is there something else that should be taken into consideration before attempting this?

Thanks in advance!
Oct 30, 2013
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Connecticut USA
I'm not sure of the season for calla lilies, in the northeast US its generally considered a spring bulb. Treat them like you do any other bulbs, when they start to die back that would be the time to dig them up.
May 8, 2014
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United States and at times out of country
Hardiness Zone
10b and 6a
Congrats on the move! I bet you will be able to do some lovely gardening in Europe. We look forward to hearing about that. I think you can dig up your bulbs and dust off all the dirt. Set them inside in a window panel for a few days with the sun hitting it so they can become nice and dry. Store them in a dark, well ventilated area that is no less than 50 degrees throughout the winter. But you don't want to put them in an area that will go over 60 either. Then in the spring when danger of frost has past, plant them in full sun with slight shade. Plant them 4 inches deep. Water regularly. I hope it works!
Jul 17, 2013
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Thank you :) I'm excited, I don't know when I'll be moving exactly, but if my health issues don' get on the way it should be soon!

Thanks a lot, I will try that. I'm still not sure when to dig them up, a part of me is worried to kill a perfectly beautiful and healthy plant :( Calla lilies can remain alive for years... I mean, this one never died on me and then came back like others. This one hadn't bloomed for years, but was always green. I'll test it out with one bulb first, this year :) I will see how it goes! Thanks a lot for the help!
Mar 19, 2013
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Northern Alabama
Hardiness Zone
As long as you are not moving right away, you should be just fine to leave the Calla Lily wher it is for now. Don't dig it up until fall when it starts to naturally die down, and the top will wither and the whole plant should go dormant. At that time, you can just dig it up and store it until you aree ready to move.
Of course , if you ar moving sooner than this fall, you will have to dig it up sooner, and then just trim off the top. If it only needs to be dug up for the plane trip, and then replanted, there should not be any problems, regardless of what time of year you have to dig it up for the trip.
I have taken plants before, and wrapped then in a moist paper towel, and then into a plastic freezer bag of the proper size.
Where will you be moving from ?? Will the climate be a lot different from where you are now ?? If you are going somewhere colder, you may want to keep it as a houseplant over winter there, and set it out in the spring.
I am in Alabama, and that is what I have to do here, even though this is not a really cold area.
Jul 17, 2013
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Hi there! Thanks a lot for all that info, I was actually wondering about what the bet time to do that was. Glad to hear I can do this anytime! Some people say I should dry them, but I like your method more! Way more simple! I'm in Texas! Moving to Holland. The trip would be quite long, but hopefully the bulbs will make it!

I think that covering the plant with plastic during the winter will do, I did that this very same year and it started to bloom after almost 5 or 4 years of no blooming at all! We will see how it goes, thanks for the advice!
Jul 17, 2013
Reaction score
I'm not sure of the season for calla lilies, in the northeast US its generally considered a spring bulb. Treat them like you do any other bulbs, when they start to die back that would be the time to dig them up.

This might sound weird, but my calla lilies have never died. It must be because I always got it inside during the winter instead of living it outdoors. No idea to be honest. I thought most bulb plants used to die sooner or later, but this one remained green and alive for 5 years or so.
May 30, 2014
Reaction score
New Orleans, LA
This might sound weird, but my calla lilies have never died. It must be because I always got it inside during the winter instead of living it outdoors. No idea to be honest. I thought most bulb plants used to die sooner or later, but this one remained green and alive for 5 years or so.

I've never been out of the country but aren't there regulations about transporting produce and plants to foreign countries? Is this something you need to find out from customs or something?

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