What are you asking ie are you wanting a perennial such as the Kniphofia (red hot poker) this has colour and will fill a space or if you want a higher growing shrub and a nice evening smelling shrub how about the honey suckle you can have your own support for this via 4 canes in a wig-wam shape "again these dont take much room and both are sun loving plants,
If how ever your looking for a smaller annual that flowers all summer and provides its own seed for next year sowing and dont mind soil conditions or shade or sun then the tagart is a good choice,
The Rudbeckia (corn flower) is a nice happy looking perennial "yellow leaves and a nice black face" this comes up every year,
Here's just a few, give more info ie ref space you have and if sunny or shady and soil ie lime or acid, / clay etc & if you want a high grower or a plant that needs to spread itself?