It's been a few months since I've set up my garden on our patio. Everything is thriving.
I added some plant monitoring sensors to each planter and imI getting notifications that the fertilizer content is low. I'm wondering if I should consider adding fertilizer or keep relying on compost?
A little bit about my irrigation system, it's basically backflush/wastewater from the pond filter's cleaning function. It's loaded with organic matter which is good for the plants. That water is pumped into an 8 gallon reservoir where a powerful pump pushes the water through drip lines to thr planters. It's pretty much a self contained irrigation system.
I'm looking at liquid fertilizer and am wondering if it's even to be considered? Should I add a capful directly to the reservoir once every time the reservoir is filled or install an injection type system?
Some pictures of the irrigation reservoir and pump station and pond filter. Not sure if this helps but can't hurt.
I added some plant monitoring sensors to each planter and imI getting notifications that the fertilizer content is low. I'm wondering if I should consider adding fertilizer or keep relying on compost?
A little bit about my irrigation system, it's basically backflush/wastewater from the pond filter's cleaning function. It's loaded with organic matter which is good for the plants. That water is pumped into an 8 gallon reservoir where a powerful pump pushes the water through drip lines to thr planters. It's pretty much a self contained irrigation system.
I'm looking at liquid fertilizer and am wondering if it's even to be considered? Should I add a capful directly to the reservoir once every time the reservoir is filled or install an injection type system?
Some pictures of the irrigation reservoir and pump station and pond filter. Not sure if this helps but can't hurt.