Dragon Fruit Germination tips?

Jul 12, 2016
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United States
So yesterday night, I was at the store with my mother and we were looking for ingredients I needed for a meal I needed to cook for my cooking club. I was looking at the garlic and I saw this couple holding up this dragon fruit. I was completely shocked that our local grocery store was selling dragon fruit. I went over to check it out and it was 7$, I convinced my mom to buy it considering they're pretty rare. I completely blanked out the entire time we were there because I was so excited for the dragonfruit. Along with the dragon fruit, they had some of those kiwano horned melons, which I couldn't get because I didn't wanna push it too far with my mom when we were already running low on money.
Anyways, how do I germinate these things? I ate one-half of the dragon fruit (which was amazing, it taste similar to a kiwi but better because you dont need to go through the trouble to peel it), I have the other one in a bag in the fridge. I took seeds from the first half, I soaked them in water, and rubbed them between my fingers in order to remove the pulp, (could that damage them?). I also put some of the seeds in a pot of dirt rather than using the plastic bag method, though, these ones were buried with lots of pulp. Am I doing this right? Like should I put it in a window or something?
Any general advice?
Jun 2, 2015
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New England
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United States
You should have let the seeds dry out first before planting them, the pulp could rot the seeds, they like lots of light when young and when the get 4 or 5 months old you can give the morning sun until the really start to grow.
I've never had any luck getting the seeds to grow, mine ender up moldy so I gave up trying seeds and grew mine from a cutting,If you really want to grow one you would be better off buying a plant or a cutting, there easy to grow from a cutting and it will grow fast onces its roots
Jul 12, 2016
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Hardiness Zone
United States
You should have let the seeds dry out first before planting them, the pulp could rot the seeds, they like lots of light when young and when the get 4 or 5 months old you can give the morning sun until the really start to grow.
I've never had any luck getting the seeds to grow, mine ender up moldy so I gave up trying seeds and grew mine from a cutting,If you really want to grow one you would be better off buying a plant or a cutting, there easy to grow from a cutting and it will grow fast onces its roots
I cleaned off the pulp on the seeds in the plastic bag and now they are starting to germinate after 2 days, they should be available to plant in a week or two. Germinating the seeds in the dirt was just an experiment because I had extra seeds, I don't expect em o grow..
Last edited:
Jun 22, 2015
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Hardiness Zone
We have a dragon fruit plant here for more than 10 years now. Right now it has 1 ripe fruit that I plan to pic tomorrow so it will be very ripe. With the planting, this is the first time I've heard of the seeds. As @Fernsdaddy said, the cutting is the proper way to propagate the dragon fruit. It is not a delicate plant. Just cut one branch that looks matured and stick it on the ground, surely it will grow by itself. But there should be a trellis where it can climb for it doesn't prosper when it couldn't get a leverage for heights.
Jul 12, 2016
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Hardiness Zone
United States
We have a dragon fruit plant here for more than 10 years now. Right now it has 1 ripe fruit that I plan to pic tomorrow so it will be very ripe. With the planting, this is the first time I've heard of the seeds. As @Fernsdaddy said, the cutting is the proper way to propagate the dragon fruit. It is not a delicate plant. Just cut one branch that looks matured and stick it on the ground, surely it will grow by itself. But there should be a trellis where it can climb for it doesn't prosper when it couldn't get a leverage for heights.
what's wrong with growing it by seed? I already have about 20 seeds germinating, their roots are pretty long. Plan on getting some cactus soil soon. Could I grow it in a hanging basket? I have chicken wire with some decently large holes that it should be able to grow on, might need to add a bit more support though.
Oct 5, 2016
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Seattle, Washington
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United States
Plant them and find out! Just because what worked for some does not mean you cannot try something different. If they have roots you are already off to a great start! I would have mine grow like a tree rather than a low hanging basket, but that is just my opinion. Plant a few in sandy soil, some in plain soil to test which they like better. Whatever you put them in make sure it has holes!
Jun 22, 2015
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what's wrong with growing it by seed? I already have about 20 seeds germinating, their roots are pretty long. Plan on getting some cactus soil soon. Could I grow it in a hanging basket? I have chicken wire with some decently large holes that it should be able to grow on, might need to add a bit more support though.

I'm not saying it's wrong to plant the dragon fruit using the seeds. I just said that it is the cutting that I know which is the proper way. But if your seeds will prosper into a plant and would give you fruits, then that would be a great achievement for your. And you can actually post those plants from germinated seeds here in this forum to serve as added knowledge for those who fancy dragon fruit plants.
Jul 12, 2016
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Hardiness Zone
United States
I'm not saying it's wrong to plant the dragon fruit using the seeds. I just said that it is the cutting that I know which is the proper way. But if your seeds will prosper into a plant and would give you fruits, then that would be a great achievement for your. And you can actually post those plants from germinated seeds here in this forum to serve as added knowledge for those who fancy dragon fruit plants.
I planted two outside, 3 in a container with regular potting soil, then 4 in a container with soil from my backyard. I do not know what to say about the soil in my backyard, it is pretty sandy but there are some small rocks in it, when I get it wet it gets really muddy. I don't know if it would be okay for them, looked like there were no weeds or bugs in it. I have plenty of other seeds inside the bag where they are germinating but how long could I leave them in there until they die? I wanna know which soil is safe for them until I plant them. The seed coating just started coming off the seedlings revealing the leaves, I started germinating them on Friday and planted them yesterday so they are about 4 days old and they already have their leaves coming out, is that normal because when I germinated my papaya seeds along time ago they took about a week or two to show their leaves, this seems a little too quick. What is your soil like? Sorry if I ask too many questions, I get really bad anxiety when I grow stuff because I don't know if they are safe or not and I also have really bad patience. I have high hopes for allot of things but they always get destroyed. My papaya seedlings all died and it made me pretty upset so I hope this doesn't happen to my dragonfruit.
May 15, 2016
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Miami, FL
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United States
You can plant from seed, but it will take much longer for it to fruit. Cuttings are much better.

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