The BBC, Still in a World of Their Own.

Jan 31, 2018
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The Tropic of Trafford
Hardiness Zone
Keir Hardy
United Kingdom
Back in the day, I used to pay for my TV licence, by direct debit monthly.

Then for a few years, when I became 75, the licence fee was abolished.

Not long after, the BBC reneged on the deal struck with the government to provide free licences for the over 75s in exchange for an increase in the four billion pounds each year they were already enjoying.
So when I got the demand for my licence last year, (please pay annually or in six instalments by direct debit) I wroteto them and said as they'd gone back on their promise, I was going to revert to paying monthly, but this time I was going to pay by cheque.

They sent the first couple of cheques back, which I just stuck in the handy pre-paid envelope they kindly supplied and were expecting me to send them a cheque for £157 and returned them to them. I've continued to send cheques for £13.13 each month (well in advance) and they've been cashing them. They knew they had no choice. They could hardly sue me for "causing a minor bit of clerical inconvenience." (my intention).

Today I received a letter from them "welcoming me to the 75 plus payment plan" together with this card.


I'm told I can take it to any paypoint and pay my £26.26 on my debit card from February 1st for six months.

Because they think we're all senile,. they also enclosed this handy sheet where I can enter the payments in case I forget to make them, or frgotten I had.


I'm amazed they can think up so many ways, other than the content and quality of a lot of the programmes the provide, to insult your intelligence.

"I put it down to them employing too many graduates devoid of any common sense."

It's all gone in the bin.

They are still going to get the cheques for £13.13 each month.
Last edited:
Mar 22, 2017
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United Kingdom


The BBC has announced a legal amnesty for all over 75s who previously received a free licence. In a press “update” late yesterday they withdrew their threats to cancel the licences of those who have not paid and to take enforcement action against them.

In the BBC press statement, it is stated four times that the over 75s now “have plenty of time to set up” their new licences. It is therefore assumed that previous threatening letters have been withdrawn.

All over 75s who previously received a free licence are therefore still regarded by the BBC as licensed and they are not breaking the law by refusing to pay, until the BBC announces a change in policy. No time limit has been put on this legal amnesty.

This abrupt change of position by the BBC justifies the determined campaign by Silver Voices members and the hundreds of thousands of over 75s who have stood firm against multiple reminders. The change of position follows reported talks between the BBC and Government and must have been agreed between them.

We will issue further advice in due course, particularly for those over 75s who were persuaded, often reluctantly, to agree a payment programme. We will be unable to answer individual enquiries for a few days, because of the volume of work on this subject.

Well done Silver Voices but this is only the start of our battle to get free licences restored for all over 75s!

17 February 2021

I thought this might be of interest @Sean Regan from silver voices this morning .

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