Purple Carnations

May 5, 2014
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Purple carnations have been developed, called "Moon Carnations" and I was wondering if anyone has seen these. They are made in a laboratory, by adding coloring from other flowers, because carnations do not possess the genes for blue coloring.
I have bought the cut flowers, and I tried to save the seeds as they dried, because I would love to grow them. I have not been able to find a supplier of anything other than cut plants, the company seems to be keeping the profits fir themselves. I was wondering if anyone may know if they are ever coming to market so we at home can grow them. They are beautiful.
Aug 16, 2013
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I too have seen them jlynn71but am not so sure that you will manage to acquire any of the " Moon Series Carnations " just yet - as its very difficult to find anyone that is selling either the plants or the seeds and so far only know of a few wholesale seed suppliers that have the seeds for sale - so it would appear that they are still only being sold as cut flowers.

However I may have a solution to your problem - as there is a purple carnation for which the seeds are widely available online - which although originally introduced as a " black " carnation some time ago - is now because of its rich purple color making a bit of a come back - due to the popularity of the " Moon Series "

Unfortunately there are very few pictures available of " Dianthus Caryophyllus - King of Blacks " but this is probably the nearest I can find - to give you a rough idea of color and to see if you like the look of it :)

Carnation - King of Blacks - seeds.jpg
May 5, 2014
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The picture you posted looks very purple, and I have seen these before. The only thing is, other than the Moon carnations, no one else has added blue to a carnation. They do not produce it naturally and the company that developed these actually made a hybrid using blue genes from other flowers. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dianthus_caryophyllus I want these plants or seeds because they are truly purple.
Aug 16, 2013
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That is because it is - naturally very purple and thought that was what you were looking for jlynn71:)

As the GMO or Genetically Modified seeds for the " Moon Series Carnations " are still only currently available to wholesale growers and will quite possibly stay that way - as it is very difficult to propagate these plants because they have a tendency to revert back to type and don't retain their purple color.

Which is the reason why I suggested
Dianthus Caryophyllus " King of Blacks " and especially so - because as these plants are native to where I live - I was aware that there was an Heirloom variety available with a rich deep purple color - had thought that it might just be a solution to your problem - especially as " King of Blacks " is not likely to lose its purple color if you tried to propagate it :)

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