Love plants of all kinds. I do not have a “natural” green thumb so I am extremely good at picking plants that are hard to I am sooo sad even

Apr 14, 2019
Reaction score
United States
Here is my dilemma, my mom passed away the end of Feb 2019 we requested in lieu of flowers we wanted house plants so we could pass them around to her kids (me & 2 sisters) and her grandkids each wanted one as well. Anyways I chose this set of 2 African violets I named them Bonnie& Frank after my deceased parents so I came home knowing I had to order special things for them. Sadly to say I have already lost one. I ordered the special pot to water from bottom along with these capsules that are to support blooming.
2. Is a mix of house plants inside a nice ceramic pot and it’s filled with those rocks at the bottom. I am pretty sure it has a lily of sort cause when I first got it they had nice white flower or what looked like something like a flower anyways it’s on my dining table.
3. I am going to attach pictures of the plant from afar so you can see where they are at in the house and then also picture of the capsules for the african violet. I am so sad I already lost one of the violets and carry guilt


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Apr 14, 2019
Reaction score
United States
Here is my dilemma, my mom passed away the end of Feb 2019 we requested in lieu of flowers we wanted house plants so we could pass them around to her kids (me & 2 sisters) and her grandkids each wanted one as well. Anyways I chose this set of 2 African violets I named them Bonnie& Frank after my deceased parents so I came home knowing I had to order special things for them. Sadly to say I have already lost one. I ordered the special pot to water from bottom along with these capsules that are to support blooming.
2. Is a mix of house plants inside a nice ceramic pot and it’s filled with those rocks at the bottom. I am pretty sure it has a lily of sort cause when I first got it they had nice white flower or what looked like something like a flower anyways it’s on my dining table.
3. I am going to attach pictures of the plant from afar so you can see where they are at in the house and then also picture of the capsules for the african violet. I am so sad I already lost one of the violets and carry guilt


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Mar 27, 2012
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Hardiness Zone
United Kingdom
Welcome to the forum and sorry to hear you've been having problems with your potted plants. My condolences for the loss of your mom, hope you're doing ok. What specific advice are you looking for? If you could tell us a little more about the problems you've been experiencing, how the plants are cared for, etc that would be helpful :)
Apr 14, 2019
Reaction score
United States
Welcome to the forum and sorry to hear you've been having problems with your potted plants. My condolences for the loss of your mom, hope you're doing ok. What specific advice are you looking for? If you could tell us a little more about the problems you've been experiencing, how the plants are cared for, etc that would be helpful :)
Here is my dilemma, my mom passed away the end of Feb 2019 we requested in lieu of flowers we wanted house plants so we could pass them around to her kids (me & 2 sisters) and her grandkids each wanted one as well. Anyways I chose this set of 2 African violets I named them Bonnie& Frank after my deceased parents so I came home knowing I had to order special things for them. Sadly to say I have already lost one. I ordered the special pot to water from bottom along with these capsules that are to support blooming.
2. Is a mix of house plants inside a nice ceramic pot and it’s filled with those rocks at the bottom. I am pretty sure it has a lily of sort cause when I first got it they had nice white flower or what looked like something like a flower anyways it’s on my dining table.
3. I am going to attach pictures of the plant from afar so you can see where they are at in the house and then also picture of the capsules for the african violet. I am so sad I already lost one of the violets and carry guilt now the other ones leaves are looking droopy. I pray you can distinguish the different plants in the ceramic pot that has those rocks.i was sooooo excited to see you response and acceptance.


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