I don't think the GMO trembles are real. All plants aggregate/accumulate elements/compounds from the soil. That's why they taste like they do and are poisonous or non-poisonous. Carrots absorb/use a different set than radishes and that's why they taste differently grown in the same soil. All crops also deplete the soil of the elements/compounds they absorb/use and leave the soil artificially high in elements that are left-over when a compound is cleaved and some elements in a compound are used and one element is not used. Radishes, for one, will eventually leave the soil toxic if not rotated. We know what combination of elements are poisonous, and GMO's are thoroughly tested and they know just exactly what's in there. Do growers of so-called "organic" this or that test their crops to assure content? No. They say, "Take my word for it, we don't use this or that to grow our crops."
How close is today's corn to original maize? Do we really have any idea of the chain of maize varieties that were selected/bred to the point that Europeans first started selecting/breeding to get where we are today? Same for lettuce, tomatoes, squash, potatoes, ad infinitum. Are today's typical grocery varieties of anything close to what occurs in "nature"?
Lots of bugs/pests love this and won't touch that. It's perfectly possible, and even likely, that the scientists that are behind this particular strategy are mimicking or copying the same process used elsewhere by Mother Nature, and already eaten by us.