Looking to start growing organically, and to make my own super soil.
Anyone know where I can find these ingredients here in Guadalajara? (So far every place I've called only carries worm castings and epsom salt):
Many Thanks in advance for any help
Anyone know where I can find these ingredients here in Guadalajara? (So far every place I've called only carries worm castings and epsom salt):
- 25-50 pounds of Organic Worm castings (lombricomposta)
- 5 lb. Steamed Bone meal (Harina de hueso al vapor)
- 5 lb. Bloom bat Guano (guano de murcielago)
- 5 lb. Blood meal (harina de sangre)
- 3 lb. Rock Phoshate (roca fosforica)
- ¾ cup Epson salts (sal de Epson)
- ½ to 1 Cup cup Sweet Lime ( Dolimite) Dolomita
- ½ Cup Azomite ( Trace Elements) Azomita (elementos traza)
Many Thanks in advance for any help