Blueberry - not difficult at all. You just need to use ericaceous soil and rainwater. I don't fuss over them, and they still fruit. Last year I have a reasonably good crops.
@Logan will tell you more as she's very good with her fruits.
I never really bother about the pH, I just top up the compost with ericaceous compost. You can use composted pine needles or leaves shredded and then well decomposted, and they will love it. I am sure a bit of pond water will do them a bit of good.
Please have a look here
Duke, Patriot, Spartan are very common ones. Have a look at AGM (Award of Garden Merit) holders as they are good rated after trials as plants doing well in most gardens. You do have a competitor - birds. Might be a good idea to invest in a net or some sort of cage. But don't let this put you off. Birds in my garden are too snobbish to eat my blueberries.
I have Patriot, Bluecrop, and some others. Patriot has been quite good to me. I only started 2 years ago. Start composting pine needles and leaves and you are on your way!
@Logan will fill you in.