I think I've hurt my creeping gardenia

Apr 13, 2018
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United States
Hi all! I'm in zone 7. I've been going hog wild in the yard lately and having a little too much fun. I'm pretty sure I got overzealous with the fertilizer. I hope I didn't kill my creeping gardenia.

I've been going around and weeding and pruning, and applying 10-10-10 to the perennials. I also have a bag of fertilizer specifically for azaleas, camellias, and gardenias. I did a very random (but probably too generous) serving around the drip line of the gardenias and watered in. They were looking a little anemic to start with, so I thought they would appreciate some food.

The very next day, the leaves were getting yellow. Some falling off. So - do I prepare myself for gardenia death? Is there a chance the leaves will fall off, but then grow back new? Maybe they will be unsightly for a while and then perk back up?

Is there anything I can do to help the harm I seem to have done? Thanks for your help!
Feb 2, 2014
Reaction score
La Porte Texas
Hardiness Zone
United States
Hi all! I'm in zone 7. I've been going hog wild in the yard lately and having a little too much fun. I'm pretty sure I got overzealous with the fertilizer. I hope I didn't kill my creeping gardenia.

I've been going around and weeding and pruning, and applying 10-10-10 to the perennials. I also have a bag of fertilizer specifically for azaleas, camellias, and gardenias. I did a very random (but probably too generous) serving around the drip line of the gardenias and watered in. They were looking a little anemic to start with, so I thought they would appreciate some food.

The very next day, the leaves were getting yellow. Some falling off. So - do I prepare myself for gardenia death? Is there a chance the leaves will fall off, but then grow back new? Maybe they will be unsightly for a while and then perk back up?

Is there anything I can do to help the harm I seem to have done? Thanks for your help!
The fact that the leaves are falling off is a good sign but only time will tell for sure. If you use organic fertilizers you never have to worry about using too much and it also helps build up the soil instead of depleting it as oil based fertilizers do.
Feb 2, 2014
Reaction score
La Porte Texas
Hardiness Zone
United States
Hi all! I'm in zone 7. I've been going hog wild in the yard lately and having a little too much fun. I'm pretty sure I got overzealous with the fertilizer. I hope I didn't kill my creeping gardenia.

I've been going around and weeding and pruning, and applying 10-10-10 to the perennials. I also have a bag of fertilizer specifically for azaleas, camellias, and gardenias. I did a very random (but probably too generous) serving around the drip line of the gardenias and watered in. They were looking a little anemic to start with, so I thought they would appreciate some food.

The very next day, the leaves were getting yellow. Some falling off. So - do I prepare myself for gardenia death? Is there a chance the leaves will fall off, but then grow back new? Maybe they will be unsightly for a while and then perk back up?

Is there anything I can do to help the harm I seem to have done? Thanks for your help!
There is something you can do. I don't normally recommend this because I am strictly organic but if a valuable plant seems to be dying I do. There is a product called Super Thrive. It is sold in most gardening centers. It is a synthetic vitamin that has the odor of vitamin E. It has a funky packaging but this stuff really works. I have actually seen trees that I would have sworn were dead come back to life after using this product.

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