Yep you can do it w/ any of the willow trees. Here's a step by step way to do it:
If you run out of rooting hormone, are in a pinch for money or just like to experiment and try new things you can make your own rooting liquid.
Find a willow tree or shrub. Any variety of willow (salix) will do. Just don’t trim the bush in your neighbor’s front yard. Select fresh twigs what are ¼ inch thick. I cut the willow twigs into three to four inch pieces with clippers.
You will need two cups of clippings to make a one-gallon batch of willow bark rooting hormone. The next step is to place the willow clippings into a large container. I use an old enamelware pot I picked up at the sale.
Cover the clippings with one gallon of boiling hot water. Let the mixture brew overnight. This releases a natural chemical in the willow called IBA (indolebutyric acid), which is a natural growth regulator. Store the willow bark rooting hormone in the refrigerator the next day in a clear glass container with a tight lid. I use a canning jar.
To use soak tip cuttings into the willow bark rooting hormone overnight prior to planting in soil. The IBA infuses into the bark and stems encouraging rooting. It also inhibits fungus, bacteria and viral disease.