Companion planting. Blackberries and Basil?

Mar 16, 2023
Reaction score
Southern California
United States
Hi y'all, I'm new here. I think I'm expected to introduce myself in the introduction section of this forum, so I'll do that soon enough. Meanwhile, I have a question which is what brought me to this forum...

Blackberries. I recently purchased 4 baby plants, the erect variety. I plan to surround them with companion plants, mostly herbs such as chives, bee balm, borage. One herb I would really like to plant in the same garden bed as the blackberries is basil. However I can't seem to find a solid yay or nay on whether or not this is considered good practice. Every googling effort ("can I grow basil next to blackberries?") produces results that neither tell me that I can or that I should not. It's as if no one has ever attempted to grow the two near one another before. I suppose I can just try it and see what happens. But if I wind up losing my blackberries in this experiment, I'll shrivel up and go die in a compost pile. Basil can always be replanted easily enough, but the berries are really my main priority.

I hope I posted this question in the correct area of the forum. It's not really a fruit question (blackberries) but it's not exactly an herb question either (basil), so I was a bit lost. If I goofed, please feel free to move my post into a more appropriate section. Thank you!
Apr 2, 2022
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Hardiness Zone
United States
Blackberries will likely spread out and smother the planting location of the herbs unless you can keep the blackberries cut back or separated. They grow by tip rooting or suckers from roots. I've heard of strawberries under blackberries but have never done it.
Feb 13, 2021
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Hi, welcome to the forum, I like the name, realistic.
When I find myself in this sort of situation I always try and spread the risk. Four blackberry plants, I would separate them a bit and put different things around each. The trouble then is if it goes wrong you can never be sure that was the only factor, but it gives you a good clue.
On the other hand I have grown a lot of basil around a lot of things and it has never seemed to inhibit them, and they are different enough plants that I can't imagine there being a disease problem.
Mar 16, 2023
Reaction score
Southern California
United States
lol, the name. I was out in the garden sans gloves, and came in to search the question. When I set up my account here and was prompted for a user name, I noticed I still had potting mix underneath my fingernails...

That's a really terrific idea and I think I'm going to do exactly that. The garden bed I'm putting them in is raised, and very loooong. So I can put the basil next to a blackberry baby that is on one far end. That way the others won't come into close contact with it. I should have my answer by the time the basil is finished for the year and then I'll know better what to do next season. Then maybe I should write a blog about it bcuz I can't possibly be the only person in the world who's ever grown both blackberries and basil

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