An American Walnut Story


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Feb 5, 2019
Reaction score
East Texas
Hardiness Zone
old zone 8b/new zone 9a
United States
The American Black Walnut has long been a favorite of mine dating back to when their nuts helped pay for my education. Unfortunately, they are also favorites of lumber buyers who highly prize their spectacular wood.

One of the first things I did 42 years ago on my East Texas property was plant about 100 stratified seeds obtained from the State for re-establishment of these valuable trees. Years went by and I completely forgot about them. Then as luck would have it, while clearing out some thick brush along a creek bank recently I looked down and saw the unmistakable beautiful nuts scattered all over the ground and creek bottom. So far, I have found 2 mature walnut trees and suspect there may be more and also believe it's likely that someone downstream has walnuts also from these trees.

One tree has a diameter of about 40 inches and has a big part of the tree spreading out over the creek. It was the one whose nuts lead to the discovery.

walnut 1.JPG

I filled up a couple of buckets of nuts to stratify and start the process all over again.

walnut 3.JPG

The second tree has a more traditional shape, a diameter of 40 + inches, towering size and shows some signs of insect damage. It had very few nuts on the ground but very well could be in an off year as walnuts like pecans have an every other year cycle of heavy followed by light production.

walnut 2.JPG

I can't begin to express my feelings of satisfaction finding these trees and knowing that they will be here long after me and provide seeds for future generations of the great American Walnut.
Feb 13, 2021
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United Kingdom
A place big enough that I could lose a couple of trees would be nice :)
There is an oak tree at the bottom of my garden, its canopy covers all but about seven feet each side of the garden. I get acorns popping up young oak trees in my veg patch and pot them up and give them away; we'll get a new forest started between us :)


No N-P-K Required
Feb 5, 2019
Reaction score
East Texas
Hardiness Zone
old zone 8b/new zone 9a
United States
Oliver, I'm located on the edge of the Big Thicket National Preserve. It's called Big Thicket because the vegetation is incredibly dense especially along creek banks. I know it sounds crazy to not see a couple of mature trees for 40+ years but if you could see this thicket you would understand.

I love the thought of getting new desirable trees going.

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