This is going to be long as I have been keeping bees for a very long time.
First thing I will say if your thinking about becoming a bee keeper is to join a club before you even get started.
I got my start with a dead fall Ash tree the Emerald Ash Bore killed. I burn fire wood to heat my home, so was cutting on this Ash tree to finally get it down.
Once it was down I started cutting it into blocks of fire wood, then some thing was flying off the chain and when that block fell off I see honey comb and a whole lot of bees. So I left it bee while I went and had dinner. I told Kare during dinner about the bees and she says we need to save them I saw a PBS show they are in trouble. that was well before colony colaspy story came out.
After dinner we get ready and go to see if we can find some help saving the bees at the local USDA office. They gave me the name of two bee keepers, First one had died 4 years ago I was told and the person I was talking had no idea how to save them nor knew any one i could call.
Second one was into apple sales and candles please lkeave a message. Never have gotten a return call from them.
The internet was a very new thing and we were useing it to send E mails to our daughter in college at MTU in Houghton.
I had never tried to do any thing else with it but decided to give a search engine a try. Found Western Michigan Bee Keepers club all the way across the state from us. there were several E mail addresses of club officers listed so i sat about sending a E mail to each and evey one.
Next day I had 3 Emails returning a reply to my quest. Best oen was a E mail address for a member Jim Jure. I sent Jim a E mail Help me save these bees, he replied to try to get the log standing up again, since it was Oct to cover any exposed end that was in the air then wait till spring.
I got the log standing and made a frame around it to make sure it stayed in place. Jim and I exchanged E mails for some time till he said he was going to flordia with his bees for thre winter and contack him mid April.
I asked for bee keeping things for Christmas, Smoker, hive tool, deep hive body frames and a helmit with veil.
I some how managed to loose his E mail address so when Mid April came around I was once again on the internet searching for help.
Fellow in Missouri came to my aid, told me to set my deep hive body atop the log and make it so the bees had to go thru there to get in and out. Set frames with foundation in the hive body for them to build on even. He even sent me a frame of drawn comb to put in there. End of May the bees were all gone and not in the deep I had sat on top of the log. I was told the bees in the log had probably died during the winter.
Now what to do it is end of May I have equipment and no Bees. Once again the fellow (sorry I just can't remember his name at this time.) in Missouri came to my rescue with the name of a fellow up north in Mt Pleasant who sold Nucs and had one left I bought.
Even that didn't go easy. I get them installed in my deep and was feeding sugar syrup as told then added the second deep needed for bees to fill with winter food enough to make it thru a winter.
I opened the bees just before adding the second deep and saw workers draging the queen out of the hive. Call the fellow in Mt Plesant and he sent me a new queen USP over night.
Got her in the hive and thought they were doing well so I did the things to get them ready for winter.
In the mean time the fellow from Missouri dissappered no replies to E mails and none from snail mail. He had told me his healt was bad so I assume he passed away.
So I have two words of advice to a wannabee Keeper.
(1. Join a club ASAP and learn as much as you can before you get bees.
(2. Start with two hives that way you can compair between the two hives how they are doing and add brood from a strong hive to a weak hive.
I had pictures but lost them when Image station stopped hosting pictures and I didn't get them switched some place else soon enough. A computer crash finished the rest off.
First thing I will say if your thinking about becoming a bee keeper is to join a club before you even get started.
I got my start with a dead fall Ash tree the Emerald Ash Bore killed. I burn fire wood to heat my home, so was cutting on this Ash tree to finally get it down.
Once it was down I started cutting it into blocks of fire wood, then some thing was flying off the chain and when that block fell off I see honey comb and a whole lot of bees. So I left it bee while I went and had dinner. I told Kare during dinner about the bees and she says we need to save them I saw a PBS show they are in trouble. that was well before colony colaspy story came out.
After dinner we get ready and go to see if we can find some help saving the bees at the local USDA office. They gave me the name of two bee keepers, First one had died 4 years ago I was told and the person I was talking had no idea how to save them nor knew any one i could call.
Second one was into apple sales and candles please lkeave a message. Never have gotten a return call from them.
The internet was a very new thing and we were useing it to send E mails to our daughter in college at MTU in Houghton.
I had never tried to do any thing else with it but decided to give a search engine a try. Found Western Michigan Bee Keepers club all the way across the state from us. there were several E mail addresses of club officers listed so i sat about sending a E mail to each and evey one.
Next day I had 3 Emails returning a reply to my quest. Best oen was a E mail address for a member Jim Jure. I sent Jim a E mail Help me save these bees, he replied to try to get the log standing up again, since it was Oct to cover any exposed end that was in the air then wait till spring.
I got the log standing and made a frame around it to make sure it stayed in place. Jim and I exchanged E mails for some time till he said he was going to flordia with his bees for thre winter and contack him mid April.
I asked for bee keeping things for Christmas, Smoker, hive tool, deep hive body frames and a helmit with veil.
I some how managed to loose his E mail address so when Mid April came around I was once again on the internet searching for help.
Fellow in Missouri came to my aid, told me to set my deep hive body atop the log and make it so the bees had to go thru there to get in and out. Set frames with foundation in the hive body for them to build on even. He even sent me a frame of drawn comb to put in there. End of May the bees were all gone and not in the deep I had sat on top of the log. I was told the bees in the log had probably died during the winter.
Now what to do it is end of May I have equipment and no Bees. Once again the fellow (sorry I just can't remember his name at this time.) in Missouri came to my rescue with the name of a fellow up north in Mt Pleasant who sold Nucs and had one left I bought.
Even that didn't go easy. I get them installed in my deep and was feeding sugar syrup as told then added the second deep needed for bees to fill with winter food enough to make it thru a winter.
I opened the bees just before adding the second deep and saw workers draging the queen out of the hive. Call the fellow in Mt Plesant and he sent me a new queen USP over night.
Got her in the hive and thought they were doing well so I did the things to get them ready for winter.
In the mean time the fellow from Missouri dissappered no replies to E mails and none from snail mail. He had told me his healt was bad so I assume he passed away.
So I have two words of advice to a wannabee Keeper.
(1. Join a club ASAP and learn as much as you can before you get bees.
(2. Start with two hives that way you can compair between the two hives how they are doing and add brood from a strong hive to a weak hive.
I had pictures but lost them when Image station stopped hosting pictures and I didn't get them switched some place else soon enough. A computer crash finished the rest off.