I have had 2 Afrigan violets for over a year. Is there some kind of secret trick to get them to bloom? I love African Violets and have hoping to have them bloom. I'm hoping someone could offer some advice.
Sorry to hear that! Where abouts are they situated in your house, and how often do you water them? We used to have them in the house when I was growing up, and when I did the watering for mum she'd always tell me not to get water on the leaves.
African violets must be watered from the bottom to avoid getting water on the leaves. They do not like to be in wet soil, I let mine dry out a little before I water it. Mine has not bloomed either and I have had it going on two years. I hope mine blooms soon also. Right now I am just happy it is still alive as it is not an easy plant to care for.
I have them on a window sill facing south. They are doing nicely there. My mom had them and they were leaves that were having light green spots on them and some were falling off. But they have been doing well since I have them. I do let them dry somewhat in between waterings and I also water from the bottom. I'm glad they are still doing well, just hoping for some blooms.
My grandma never had issues making them bloom, not sure what her secret was. She just water them from the bottom when they were dry enough. They liked a certain temperature in the room, once the AC broke down... a lot of them died after a few days, others survived for a bit and then died! Man, those things are so hard to take care off!
I had one that didn't last very long. Not sure which mistake did it in, probably too much water. It was such a pretty plant, but I just don't seem to have the knack for that kind. If I get another one I will try watering it from the bottom, maybe that will make it happier.
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