This one is always fun for me. Its a little heavy, involving death, but also natural, involving life. It goes like this...guess what! Soil eats meat! Every animal or any other thing that has ever died on the planet prior to the invention of the internet fell ON TOP of the soil. Proteins get broken down to amino acids and recycled. Sugars...carbon....have a similar but different path. Kinda freaky realizing a coffin and embalming fluid is the single worst thing we could pray over at a funeral is it not? I remember all those movies where the ancient burials were on some kinda stilts above ground in the cowboy shows. They were connecting for sure.
Of course you can till things into the soil, but unless they are in an oxygen area, which is usually the uppermost couple of inches, the lack of oxygen will act as a preservative. It is not obvious, but the type of soil and its porosity has to have an effect. What happens here in my dense clay will not be the same in Florida sand or elsewhere, where the soil density is different and breathes more. Anything breathes better than our dense clay.