Hello, my name’s Logan and I am a grade 12 student. As required by my school district's ministry I must complete a Capstone project in order to graduate high school. The project involves researching an essential question, which students choose based on their interests. Being someone who enjoys gardening, that is the focus for my project. Specifically, my essential question is: "What is the link between gardening and health?" As the school year progresses so does the completion of my Capstone project, so I must gather information on my question. I am hoping to gather first hand research from people, who garden, on their thoughts of my question. The following link leads to a survey which I have created to try and learn more about my essential question from the public. I would very much appreciate it if you could take the time to fill it out, in order to help with my graduation project Thank you.
Gardening's Link To Health Survey
This survey will take around a minimum of 5 minutes. Please answer the following questions truthfully. If you wish not to answer a specific question, skip it, and continue (some responses are required, so select "Prefer not to say"). *All responses are confidential and are going to be used as a...
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