I had a cousin who passed recently and at the funeral her doctor came to address the gathering. This was unusual as this was not something that we usually have happening at funerals, he spoke and then he left, visibly upset and it made many of us uneasy what he said. He told the gathering that Jane died from a broken heart as she would always call or come to him and tell him that she had no one to talk to, all her family had turn their backs on her and it was something that impacted her mentally, physically and emotionally. She used to go up to the school in the community to volunteer and he said this was because she wanted to be around others as the number of individuals available to her to converse with was too few and she needed it. It was really a sad story and it was somewhat shocking as most persons thought that it was the other way around, that she was antisocial and did not like the company of others so most persons actually stayed away from her. Her mother had passed and she lived alone. I am sharing this story because there are times when we draw conclusions about the personality of others based solely on how they appear without talking with them and getting to know them. When you look at this girl, she would always appear upset and looked angry and ready to curse someone, so most did not bother to say anything to her as they feared she would be too aggressive when responding to them. I remember when she was going to elementary school and she was such a happy soul, but a lot happened; the death of so many of her loved ones, I guess it just broke her and she seemed to have changed.
I think her soul got overwhelmed with all the sadness she endured, based on what the doctor said and she just could not bear the pressure of it all.
She was 36 when she passed.