Wild bees like to nest in hollow trees, so you really MIGHT have wild bees near you! Also, people who DO have bee hives do not always talk about them! Sometimes the neighbors object, and sometimes the beekeeper will get blamed for every sting. They now breed bees that are solid black or solid light yellow, which makes it easier to know if your bees are stinging the neighbors, but even so some beekeepers will hide their hives behind a low fence.
For many years I had seedling apple trees that were bearing, and I found it very exciting to eat apples that were one of a kind! Half of the trees had bland apples, but the other half were every bit as good as what was in the store. I did not have any good cooking apples, though, and I missed that. They all got mushy and lost their good flavor when they were baked.
The power company decided to change their right of way. They were willing to pay us landowners for the inconvenience, but it meant that all but one of my apple trees had to go. I cannot complain, they were very professional and they were careful with the one remaining apple tree. The trunk was right on the edge of their right of way but I only lost a few twigs when the trucks brushed up against them. They were as fair as they could be, but the city near us needed more power, which meant that larger power poles were needed, which meant that we all had trucks in our back yards for the entire summer!
Last year I put in a Freedom apple tree, which is supposed to be disease resistant. I did lose some of my baby apple trees to Cedar Apple Rust, which is common in my area. I will not need as many apple trees now, as I am older and my kids will soon leave home, but I do love having backyard apples!