Mummy Mummy Jokes and what they are about

  • Thread starter Peace perfect peace
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Peace perfect peace

Mummy Mummy jokes started when a young school girl who thought life was great because all the guy's wanted her,
At 16yrs she had the looks/the body shape and life was to change as she got a little older,
At 16yrs and pre reaching 17 she had her first baby, by the time she reached 21 when life should had been all the good things every woman wantted but she'd just given birth to her 4th child and her life was cleaning up after these kids and she finds her arms deep in the sink washing dishes etc and in a loss for how lifes cards had been delt to her,
So every day the kids want answers to every and any questions they ask !!!!!!
Anyone can make up Mummy Mummy jokes "Give it ago"

Mummy Mummy!!!!
Mums reply What?

I hate my brothers gutts.

Mummy's reply,
Push them to one side and eat the pea's

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