Music Is A really Vast Thing Just like Gardening I find. I too Have a lot of instruments. I'll Have to have a Go At getting them all together When I have Time And Take a photo or Too. I'm almost Totally Acoustic & Have a Mix of Guitars 6 ...12 string & lap 6 string Dobro which is played with a lump of Steel Or sometimes Glass of some Kind. The Dobro Is by far the best looking & best looked after But also played less As To be honest I am Happiest with one of my 6 string Acoustics. I'm Often Blowing A Harp at the Same time and Singing Often my own Home-grown & Written Music, Which can be loving, Political or Funny or Just Rude, but not normally in that order

. I'm well used to playing Bob Dylan, Neil Young, louden Wainwright the third ( One or two of my songs are a bit like his (love him or Hate him

) & Folkie kind of stuff. As well as more modern music If the Mood Takes Me. I Do most my playing & singing Round My Out door Fire Pit In the Spring to Beginning of winter. There is often Loads of Friends Round & everyone just lets there hair down has a Drink If it takes them & Jams along or Has a Go their Selves, If they have a instrument. They often bring There's Or if not I hand out some of mine out. Its Great fun. Been hosting These Weekend Jams For most part of Twenty years. I rarely Plan them these days but they just kind of happen. Have Not Had time to recorded for years. But I have a good friend with a recording studio & I keep telling him I'm Going to Be popping round to Recorded my own music. I need a few things to come together to do it One I need To of Practiced My own Stuff ( I'm Not interested in Recording Covers Really As I have to many of my own to Need to Or want to, they are just for Fun round the Fire)........... haven't Practiced much since November ( need to get back to my Caravan & away from the House lol) second I need to know my Voice Is Able to Hit the Spot I'm after. I think I'm about there, Almost, as Getting over A cold that hit my throat. I also Need the time And Money To pay my friend and last the bottle ( Not the Whisky

.........maybe but after!!!) to sit in a vary cool studio hehe. I have Got up And Done my bit in a Few Folk Festivals. Played a few Songs At Cambridge In a Big hippy tent to a hundred or two. Open Mics in pubs Sometimes. I Just Enjoy Music

more than Tv........... That's Box or Square thing Has made playing Music In the House For most people (me included) an impossibility. I think all Tvs, Computers, Phones, Should be Turned off at least once a week & people Started Playing music Good or bad & just getting to Know How to talk to one another again, Instead Of..................well don't start me off i'll have to write a song about it lol.
Ps I don't Uses Headphone's but for some reason everyone else around me does