Completely Overwhelmed and Looking for Guidance

Jun 30, 2016
Reaction score
Columbus, Ohio
United States
I apologize in advance for my lack of knowledge, but everyone has to start somewhere. I recently purchased a "double knockout rose" its a hybrid bush/tree that has extreme sentimental value to me and... its become infested with something. Several of the leaves have holes in them and what I believe to be bite marks etc. I purchased a 1 Gallon Pump Sprayer (linked) and it currently has Neem Oil Extract diluted. I have sprayed about every other day (or two days) for a total application count somewhere around 10. I'm sure this isn't enough time to see the results I want, but after doing more research it seems neem oil has mixed results.

Anyways, i want to "step it up" so to say and really try and get on top of this problem. I am so new to everything that its like a foreign language. For instance I don't know the main differences b/t insecticides/pesticides, or which product I should be looking into. I don't know what I should do with my neem oil once I make a new purchase. Should I dump the neem oil out and only use the insecticide/pesticide? Can I combine them in the same sprayer and apply all at once? Should I use them both concurrently?

Side note, I have also noted powdery white mildew, but this doesn't seem to be as much of a problem as the insect bites nor is it as widespread but I would like to take care of this as well.

I have no problem spraying multiple treatments/sprays on my plant for different problems (ex. mildew/insects) but I don't know how to go about it or if this will essentially do more harm than good.

I really apologize for the length and amount of questions, but who better to turn to than you?! I am just... overwhelmed and saddened as this plant is very dear to me and I need to get this under control.
Feb 2, 2014
Reaction score
La Porte Texas
Hardiness Zone
United States
I apologize in advance for my lack of knowledge, but everyone has to start somewhere. I recently purchased a "double knockout rose" its a hybrid bush/tree that has extreme sentimental value to me and... its become infested with something. Several of the leaves have holes in them and what I believe to be bite marks etc. I purchased a 1 Gallon Pump Sprayer (linked) and it currently has Neem Oil Extract diluted. I have sprayed about every other day (or two days) for a total application count somewhere around 10. I'm sure this isn't enough time to see the results I want, but after doing more research it seems neem oil has mixed results.

Anyways, i want to "step it up" so to say and really try and get on top of this problem. I am so new to everything that its like a foreign language. For instance I don't know the main differences b/t insecticides/pesticides, or which product I should be looking into. I don't know what I should do with my neem oil once I make a new purchase. Should I dump the neem oil out and only use the insecticide/pesticide? Can I combine them in the same sprayer and apply all at once? Should I use them both concurrently?

Side note, I have also noted powdery white mildew, but this doesn't seem to be as much of a problem as the insect bites nor is it as widespread but I would like to take care of this as well.

I have no problem spraying multiple treatments/sprays on my plant for different problems (ex. mildew/insects) but I don't know how to go about it or if this will essentially do more harm than good.

I really apologize for the length and amount of questions, but who better to turn to than you?! I am just... overwhelmed and saddened as this plant is very dear to me and I need to get this under control.
Could you send pictures? Neem is good stuff but might not be the correct solution

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