Easy vegetables that anyone can grow

Jul 17, 2013
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Thank you for sharing this list Trellum:)
My mom used to grow squash, she was great at it. We always had more squash than we needed;)

I'm glad you liked it, Claudine :) Will you ever try growing squash as well, I bet she'd have liked if you gave it a try. Plus you can make so many things with squashes! You can make quesadillas with the squash flowers, also a nice soup, squash spaghetti, you can use it in salads, you can also make some of it with corn, tomato, onion and a bit of cheese :) We loved eating that at home.
Sep 20, 2012
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Hardiness Zone
I'm glad you liked it, Claudine :) Will you ever try growing squash as well, I bet she'd have liked if you gave it a try. Plus you can make so many things with squashes! You can make quesadillas with the squash flowers, also a nice soup, squash spaghetti, you can use it in salads, you can also make some of it with corn, tomato, onion and a bit of cheese :) We loved eating that at home.
I don't know. I think I'll try to grow sqash too, but I'm not ready to do it yet. Just looking at her garden breaks my heart, I think I need more time.
My boyfriend loves squash soup, I'd like to cook it for him:)
Sep 28, 2015
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That is also one very easy vegetable to plant corzhens and I absolutely like sweet potatoes too and cuttings are indeed an easy way to grow plants. Another easy plant to grow is the dragon fruit because you only plant the cuttings although you need somewhere for it to climb and perhaps you try to train it to cling to walls or trellises but I find it very easy to plant. One has to do is dig a hole then put a little bit of manure or vermicompost, put the cuttings, put back the soil and voila you have planted the dragon fruit and after eight months it starts to grow.
Apr 30, 2014
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United States
Thanks for the info, I think we should all take note :) I think I was wrong when I saw my first edible was cucumbers, now that I think well and hard about it... it was actually beans! I didn't really remember that though, because I was very little when I started experimenting with beans ;) It all started with a school project.
The funny thing is that just about all elementary students in the schools around here begin to learn about plant life by growing beans in a cup at school. They love to watch their little plants grow and get to learn about the life cycle.
Jun 22, 2015
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Nice, @Corzhens! I love to grow things from cuttings, because that process makes gardening so much easier. I actually have a preference for the plants that can be propagated by cuttings and not only by seeds. I actually hate growing things by seeds, unless we are talking about cucumbers ;) I've almost no experience with growing edibles (other than cucumbers).

From the leftover vegetables, I sometimes plant ginger, garlic, mustard and some other vegetables that can grow from cuttings. But the mustard has some roots left and that stump is what I plant after taking away the leaves that we eat. When there is a rotting onion, I also plant that to have spring onions for free. My small vegetable patch in the backyard has a lot of local spinach now, so easy to plant from cuttings.
Jul 17, 2013
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From the leftover vegetables, I sometimes plant ginger, garlic, mustard and some other vegetables that can grow from cuttings. But the mustard has some roots left and that stump is what I plant after taking away the leaves that we eat. When there is a rotting onion, I also plant that to have spring onions for free. My small vegetable patch in the backyard has a lot of local spinach now, so easy to plant from cuttings.

That sounds amazing! I have no experience growing any kind of edibles from cuttings to be honest, I recently tried something I saw on a Pinterest post: how to grow an organic lettuce using the base of the lettuce head in water. Sadly it rot :(
Jul 17, 2013
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The funny thing is that just about all elementary students in the schools around here begin to learn about plant life by growing beans in a cup at school. They love to watch their little plants grow and get to learn about the life cycle.

Yes, I think they do this kind of thing almost everywhere around the world :) I think it's a great way to learn more about how plants grow and so on, but sadly those little experiments didn't really ignite any kind of interest in me to plant edibles or any other kind of plant. How odd is that!
Jul 17, 2013
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I don't know. I think I'll try to grow sqash too, but I'm not ready to do it yet. Just looking at her garden breaks my heart, I think I need more time.
My boyfriend loves squash soup, I'd like to cook it for him:)

I love squash soup as well. Do you know what I like to use for it? Garlic, I also use a bit cream cheese :) I like it more than with onions, I still ''cook'' the flour with some butter on a pan before adding it to the soup though (it makes the soup thicker and nicer to eat). If you ever plant squash... keep the flowers ;) You can eat those.
Jul 17, 2013
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That is also one very easy vegetable to plant corzhens and I absolutely like sweet potatoes too and cuttings are indeed an easy way to grow plants. Another easy plant to grow is the dragon fruit because you only plant the cuttings although you need somewhere for it to climb and perhaps you try to train it to cling to walls or trellises but I find it very easy to plant. One has to do is dig a hole then put a little bit of manure or vermicompost, put the cuttings, put back the soil and voila you have planted the dragon fruit and after eight months it starts to grow.

Amazing! I know nothing about dragon fruit, but it looks like it's the kind of fruit that wouldn't do well at all in the Netherlands. There are so many amazing fruits I will never be able to grow due my location. I'll be missing of so many things :( No lemon trees for me either. Sadly. I have always wanted to grow a lemon tree :(
Sep 26, 2015
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Love this list - thanks for sharing! I've only tried my hand at growing a couple of different vegetables - I got a bit disheartened because some just didn't work out (I guess I thought it would be easier than I expected!)

This should help me a lot, I've already grown tomatoes (they were one of my success stories!) but haven't tried the others. I'll look into them!
Sep 28, 2015
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That's okay Trellum because there are also amazing things that only grow in your place and do not grow in our area as well. I think everything is like that in many places of the world so do not be sad. Do not worry I will grow a plant or two in your honor my friend so that at least you have plants here in our place even though you are physically not here. Happy gardening and may we able to grow amazing plants all year long. More power to all of us.
Sep 28, 2015
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Wow that is amazing corzhens. Another easy plant to grow that I think is good because it thrives anywhere is the alugbati and even camote where you will just plant the cuttings and wait. In a few weeks, you will be having a lot of alugbati plants which are great for soups and other things I like and it is all nutritious and free. So we get to save instead of buying from the market and other places. Camote tops are also good and very nutritious as well. Keep at it everyone. More power and happy planting.

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